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The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems Report to CCSDS AGENC Y Note to CMC members: This template follows the CMC-agreed outline for agency.

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Presentation on theme: "The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems Report to CCSDS AGENC Y Note to CMC members: This template follows the CMC-agreed outline for agency."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems Report to CCSDS AGENC Y Note to CMC members: This template follows the CMC-agreed outline for agency reports Replace RED text with your agency’s name and inputs Add additional material that your agency may consider of interest (but consider the time limit on the agenda) Then delete this text box

2 The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems Agenda News from the Agency Report on CCSDS activities Report on infusion of CCSDS standards in Agencies : ◦ Implementations planned by projects and in infrastructures ◦ Technology effort Issues and proposals Additional material if desired Backup Slides (optional): Agency reference material ◦ Organization Chart ◦ Mission model ◦ In-flight missions

3 The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems News from AGENCY

4 The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems Report on CCSDS activities Areas of interest and manpower / personnel involved Statements on the activities conducted in the areas of interest

5 The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems Agency support to CCSDS WGs AGENCY support to working groups Level of Particpation Book Editor(s) provided? Prototype(s) provided? WG Chair/deputy provided? Legend for responses is at the bottom of this list. 1.02 Security WG 1.06 Delta-DOR WG 2.01 Data Archive Ingestion WG 2.02 Navigation WG 2.04 Spacecraft Monitoring and Control WG 2.05 Digital Repository Audit and Cert WG 2.BOF1 Telerobotics BOF 3.03 Cross Support Service Management WG 3.06 Cross Support Transfer Services WG 3.07 Cross Support Space Communications Arch. WG 3.SIG1 CCSDS Ref. Architecture (RASIG) 4.02 Application Support Services WG 4.03 Onboard Wireless WG 5.01 RF and Modulation WG 5.02 Space Link Coding and Synchronization WG 5.03 Multi/Hyperspectral Data Compression WG 5.04 Space Link Protocols WG 5.08 Next Generation Uplink WG 5.09 Space Data Link Security WG 5.SIG1 Planetary Surface Comm.SIG 5.SIG2 Optical Coding & Modulation SIG 6.05 Asynchronous Message Service WG 6.06 IP Over CCSDS Space Links WG 6.08 Motion Imagery and Applications WG 6.09 DTN WG 6.10 Voice WG 6.11 CFDP over Encap

6 The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems Report on infusion of CCSDS standards Implementations planned by projects and in infrastructures Technology effort

7 The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems Issues and Proposals


9 The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems Backup Material Organization Chart Mission model In-flight missions

10 The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems CMC Template Outline (as agreed in CMC Spring 2010) News from the Agency (brief): Organization changes, next launches… Report on CCSDS activities: ◦ Areas of interest and manpower / personnel involved ◦ Statements on the activities conducted in the areas of interest Report on infusion of CCSDS standards in Agencies : ◦ Implementations planned by projects and in infrastructures ◦ Technology effort Issues and proposals Spare Slides : Agency references ◦ Organization ◦ Mission model ◦ In-flight missions

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