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Presentation on theme: "EARLY HISTORY."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 million-200,000 BC Nomadic humans live in bands, hunting and gathering for food

3 8000-4000 BC Humans develop simple tools, begin to farm, and establish settled communities

4 4000-3000 BC Rise of civilization in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq and Turkey)

5 4000-3000 BC Rise of civilization in Egypt

6 4000-3000 BC Rise of civilization in India and China

7 1800 BC Judaism (practice of Jewish religion begins)

8 1500 BC Rise of civilization in North and South America

9 500 BC Rise of Ancient Greece Rise of Ancient Rome

10 0 AD Christianity (begins with the birth of Christ)

11 476 AD Roman Empire collapses

12 500-1500 AD Age of European feudalism (also known as the “Dark Ages)

13 570 AD Islam (religion begins with the birth of the Prophet Muhammad)

14 570-1300 AD Islamic religion spreads; Muslim culture flourishes

15 1000-1300 AD Europeans and Muslims fight three “Crusades”

16 1300 AD The Renaissance begins in Italy

17 1492 AD Europeans “discover” the “New World,” North and South America

18 1517 AD The Reformation in Europe; the Catholic Church splits with the formation of new Protestant Churches

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