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Quantum Computing MAS 725 Hartmut Klauck NTU 26.3.2012.

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1 Quantum Computing MAS 725 Hartmut Klauck NTU 26.3.2012

2 Order finding over Z N We are given x, N, x<N Order r(x) of x in Z N : min. r  0: x r =1 mod N „Period“ of the powers x

3 Order finding over Z N Is there a quantum algorithm to find r(x)? Shor‘s algorithm finds r(x) in time poly(log N) trivial approach: compute x i for i=1,...,r(x) this is inefficient, could be that r(x)=N-1

4 Application Factorization problem: Given a natural number N, find some nontrivial prime factor (or even all of them) Factorization can be reduced to order finding! Purely classical reduction

5 Shor‘s algorithm We follow the general outline of Simon‘s algorithm Start with Hadamard transform, query the black box But then we need another transformation, the quantum Fourier transform

6 Fourier Transform Fourier transform: g is a function Z L ! C [or a vector with L entries] Let w=e 2  i/L. Then the Fourier transform is a linear map with matrix FT L (i,j)=w ij ; 0 · i,j · L-1 The trivial algorithm to compute the Fourier transform takes time O(L 2 ) Fast Fourier Transform [FFT] takes times O(L log L)

7 Quantum Fourier Transform Set L=2 n. Consider the state |  i =  j=0,...,L-1  j |j i. The Fourier transform of |  i is |  i =  j=0,...,L-1  j |j i, with This is just the Fourier transform on the superposition Also called QFT Can we implement the QFT efficiently? Efficient means here: polynomial in n=log L

8 Quantum Fourier Transform Let L=2 n. Consider |  i =  j=0,...,L-1  j |j i Write j=j 1  j n ; j = j 1 2 n-1 +  +j n 2 0 Set 0.j t j t+1... j n = j t /2+  +j n /2 n-t+1 QFT has the following product representation: |j 1...j n i maps to 1/2 n/2 ¢ ­ t=n,...,1 (|0 i + e 2  i 0. j t...j n |1 i ) =1/2 n/2 ¢ ­ t=1,...,n (|0 i + e 2  ij/2 t |1 i )

9 Quantum Fourier Transform |j 1...j n i is mapped to 1/2 n/2 ¢ ­ t=n,...,1 (|0 i + e 2  i 0. j t... j n |1 i ) Let R k be the following gate/unitary operator Apply H to j 1. Result: 1/2 1/2 ¢ (|0 i + e 2  i 0. j 1 |1 i ) ­ |j 2,...,j n i Now apply the R t gate controlled by j t for t=2,...,n to the first qubit. Result: 1/2 1/2 ¢ (|0 i + e 2  i 0. j 1,...,j n |1 i ) ­ |j 2,...,j n i First qubit is now correct (corresponds to last desired qubit)

10 Quantum Fourier Transform This is the circuit for QFT (up to changing the order of qubits) Number of gates: n+(n-1)+  +1=O(n 2 )=O(log 2 L)

11 Quantum Fourier Transform Caveat: The result of the QFT is a superposition, there is no exponential speedup of computing the Fourier transform in the classical sense (computing the whole vector)

12 Properties of the QFT Computes in time O(n 2 ), ie. can als be approximated by standard gates quickly QFT is unitary Set w=e 2  i/L, then FT -1 L (i,j)=w -ij ; 0 · i,j · L-1 Translation invariance: Let QFT  j=0,...,L-1  j |j i =  j=0,...,L-1  j |j i T k : |j i  |j+k mod L i. QFT T k  j=0,...,L-1  j |j i = QFT  j=0,...,L-1  j |j+k mod L i =  j=0,...L-1 e 2  ijk/L  j |j i

13 Period finding Function f: Z L ! Z N given as black box Promise: there is a r<N: f(i)=f(i+r) for all i 2 Z L i  j+kr ) f(i)  f(j) Find r Try to solve this for arbitrary f Black box: U f : |j i |y i  |j i |f(j) y i ; j 2 Z L ; f(j)y 2 Z N Note that Order finding is an instance of Period finding with f(i)=x i

14 Shor‘s Algorithm log L+log N work space log L qubits in |0 i ; 0 2 Z L log N qubits in |1 i ; 1 2 Z N Apply Hadamard on the first register Apply U f Result: Measure second register Result:

15 Shor‘s Algorithm Result: 0 · j 0 · r-1; L-r · j 0 +(A-1)r · L-1 A-1 < L/r < A+1

16 Shor‘s Algorithm Result: Now apply QFT Result: i.e. the probability of k is independent of j 0 (translation invariance)

17 Shor‘s Algorithm Result: Measurement now: Probability of k is Assumption : r is a divisor of L, i.e. A=L/r, then

18 Shor‘s Algorithm Assumption : r is a divisor of L, i.e. A=L/r, then If A is a divisor of k, then =1/r If A is no divisor of k, then = 0 (because there are r values k that are multiples of A, each contributing probability 1/r) I.e. we receive a multiple of A=L/r, say, cL/r with 0 · c · r-1 With high probability: c and L/r have no common divisor Then gcd(cL/r,L)=L/r, L is known, hence we learn r.

19 Shor‘s Algorithm In general: the probability of k is „favorizes“ values of k with kr/L close to an integer Geometric sum with  k =2  kr (mod L)/ L

20 Shor‘s Algorithm with  k =2  kr (mod L))/ L There are exactly r values k 2 Z L with -r/2 · kr (mod L) · r/2 For those also -  r/L ·  k ·  r/L i.e. with 0 · j · A-1<L/r the angles j  k all lie in the same halfspace ) constructive interference! Call such a k good

21 Shor‘s Algorithm Some bounds: |1-e i  k | · |  k | [direct distance „1“ to „e i  k “ is smaller than the length of the arc] |1-e iA  k | ¸ 2A|  k |/ , if A|  k | ·  Set dist(0,  )=|1-e i  |, then dist(0,  )/|  | ¸ dist(0,  )/  =2/  A < (L/r)+1, hence A  k · A  r/L <  (1+r/L) use that kr · r/2 for a good k

22 Shor‘s Algorithm |1-e i  k | · |  k | ; |1-e iA  k | ¸ 2A|  k |/ , if A|  k | ·  A  k · A  r/L <  (1+r/L)

23 Shor‘s Algorithm Each of the r good values of k has probability close to 1/r, hence with constant probability we get a k with -r/2 · kr (mod L) · r/2 [Success] |kr-cL| · r/2 for some c Then:|k/L-c/r| · 1/(2L), i.e. k/L is approximation of c/r We know k and L. Consider k/L as rational number (reduced). c is uniformly random from 0,...,r-1 c and r have no common divisor with probability at least 1/log r Then: computing c/r (as a rational number in reduced form) gives us also r Choose L large enough to get a good approximation

24 Shor‘s Algorithm With constant probability we get k with |k/L-c/r| · 1/(2L) With probability 1/log r > 1/log L we have gcd(c,r)=1 Let r<N, L=N 2 c/r is a rational number with denominator <N Any two such numbers are not closer than 1/N 2 =1/L > 1/(2L) The interval contains only one rational number c/r with denominator < N Find the rational number with denominator < N that is close to k/L Use the continued fractions algorithm to do that

25 Continued fractions The continued fractions algorithm computed for a real  its representation as continued fraction If |c/r-  | · 1/(2r 2 ), then one of the steps computes the pair c,r, after at mostO(t 3 ) Operations for t-bit numbers

26 Total running time/success probability k is good with constant probability With probability 1/log N also c is good (i.e. no common divisor with r) Need to repeat only O(log N) times For order finding in Z N choose L=N 2, i.e. 2 log N +log N qubits are used Fourier transform in O(log 2 L) Continued fractions finds r from k/L in time O(log 3 L) Can check r for correctness using the black box Total time is O(log 4 N), can be reduced to O(log 3 N)

27 Continued fractions Given: real  Approximate  by Take integer part as a 0, invert remaining number, iterate Theorem: |p/q-  | · 1/(2q 2 ), then p/q appears after at most O(log (p+q)) steps

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