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Third Grade: Theme 1 Selection 3 Dollar and Sense 1.

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1 Third Grade: Theme 1 Selection 3 Dollar and Sense 1

2 1-1-1 Doubling Rule swim + ing = swimming great + est = greatest
1 syllable word 1 vowel 1 final consonant Double the final consonant when adding a vowel suffix. Never double the consonants: w,x, & y. Examples: get + ing = getting swim + ing = swimming great + est = greatest 2

3 1-1-1 Doubling Rule get ● getting swim swimming great X greatest shop
Base Word 1 syllable vowel final consonant Vowel suffix New Word get getting swim swimming great X greatest shop shopped 3

4 Silent e Rule leave + ing = leaving include + ed = included
When adding a vowel suffix to a base word that ends with e: Usually drop the e before adding the vowel suffix Vowel suffixes begin with a vowel (a,e,i,o,u,y) Examples: use ing = using leave + ing = leaving include + ed = included 4

5 Silent e Rule use + ing = using please ed pleased leave leaving
Base Word Vowel Suffix New Word use + ing = using please ed pleased leave leaving strange est strangest freeze freezing include included 5

6 Y Rule: Part 1 heavy + er = heavier supply + ing = supplying
In a word that ends with a consonant + y: Change the y to i before adding a suffix Never drop the y when adding a suffix that begins with i Examples: easy + est = easiest heavy + er = heavier supply + ing = supplying 6

7 Y Rule: Part 1 easy est easiest heavy er heavier empty ed emptied
Base Word ending in Consonant + y Suffix = New Word easy est easiest heavy er heavier empty ed emptied worry worried funny funniest angry angrier scary scarier happy happiest supply ing supplying 7

8 How Fast Can You Read the Words?
Spelling Fluency How Fast Can You Read the Words? using greatest getting pleased easiest emptied swimming leaving heavier worried

9 How Fast Can You Read the Words?
Spelling Fluency How Fast Can You Read the Words? strangest included freezing occurred funniest supplying angrier scarier shopped happiest

10 Zach the Yard-Sale Whiz
Activate Prior Knowledge: Share a time when you attended a yard sale Share a time when your family had a yard sale

11 Purpose Setting: From hearing the title of the story, set your own purpose for listening. Zach loves to shop at yard sales. He is careful about spending his money, and he offers some good tips for yard-sale shoppers. What does Zach do while driving home from yard sales? Which item did Zach buy last: a golf cart or a basket for his friend’s kitties? 11

12 Build Concept Vocabulary
The seller agreed, and Zach paid with his allowance. 12

13 Build Concept Vocabulary
While driving home from yard sales I add up the retail (store) price on books I bought. 13

14 Build Concept Vocabulary
1. Resist temptation to overspend. 14

15 Build Concept Vocabulary
resist retail Advice Places to spend Budgeting Sources of Money allowance 15

16 Comprehension Skill: Sequence
Sequence is the order in which things happen in a story. As you read, pay attention to what happens first, next, and last. Sometimes a writer uses clue words like first, next, and finally. First Event Next Event Second Event Last Event 16

17 Strategy: Visualize Active readers make pictures in their minds as they read a story. As you read, picture in your mind the characters and what is happening. That will help you keep track of the sequence of events. 17

18 Inez’s Birthday Gift Sequence
Add the first thing that happens to Inez on your time line. The clue words the next day in the second paragraph make it clear that the events in this paragraph happen after the events of the first paragraph. Visualize Inez as she carries all the items she picks up in the second paragraph. Use one or two words for each event on your time line. 18

19 Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday
Author: Judith Viorst

20 Genre: Realistic Fiction A realistic story is “made up,”
but is based on things that could actually happen.

21 More Books Written by Judith Viorst

22 More Books Written by Judith Viorst

23 a school of higher learning
college My father told me to put the dollar away to pay for college. Synonyms: institute alma mater

24 coins in the United States and Canada worth ten cents
dimes Nicholas has one dollar and two quarters and five dimes and five nickels and thirteen pennies. Synonyms: ten cent piece change

25 the main part of business part of a town or city
downtown Anthony told me to use the dollar to go downtown to a store and buy a new face. Synonyms: center midtown city

26 My father fined me five cents each for saying them.
made someone pay money as punishment for breaking a law or regulation fined My father fined me five cents each for saying them. Synonyms: punished docked

27 coins in the United States and Canada worth five cents
nickels I looked in Pearson’s telephone booths for nickels and dimes that people sometimes forget. Synonyms: 5 cent piece currency change

28 coins in the United States and Canada worth twenty-five cents
quarters Nicholas has two quarters. Synonym: 25 cent piece coin currency

29 having a great deal of money
rich And even when I’m very rich, I know that pretty soon what I’ll have is …bus tokens. Synonym: prosperous wealthy loaded

30 How Fast Can You Read the Words?
Vocabulary Fluency How Fast Can You Read the Words? college dimes downtown fined nickels quarters rich

31 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words!
college dimes downtown fined nickels quarters rich Draw! Draw! Draw!

32 Free Association 1. college 2. dimes 3. downtown 4. fined 5. nickels
When I say a word, you write down any words you can think of that remind you of that word. For example: The word is school: learning Science pencils Reading Math teachers P.E. Education 1. college 2. dimes 3. downtown 4. fined 5. nickels 6. quarters 7. rich

33 Classifying Place the following words in categories:
college dimes downtown fined nickels quarters rich Decide the names of the categories. Determine how many categories. Determine which words go in which categories. After classifying the words, write a paragraph explaining each of the categories and why certain words go in a particular category.

34 Can You Find the Context Clues?
1. The police officer _________ the driver for leaving his car in a no-parking zone. 2 A person with a lot of money is _______ but that does not mean that he is happy. 3. Students who dream of going to ________ better plan ahead by studying hard in school. 4. There are many businesses ______________so the city is crowded during the workday. 5. I didn’t have a dollar bill so I gave the bus driver four __________. 6. I traded my two _________ for ten pennies. 7.The clerk at the store didn’t have any dollar bills so she had to give me ten ________ for my one dollar change. college; dimes; downtown; fined; nickels; quarters; rich

35 Synonym Search Match the vocabulary words on the left to the correct synonyms on the right. Some vocabulary words have more than one synonym. Ready, set, go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a. currency f. institute k. money b. prosperous g. 25-cent piece l. 5-cent piece c. punished h. change m. docked d. 10-cent piece i. wealthy n. alma mater e. loaded j. ticket o. city college dimes downtown fined nickels quarters rich

36 Word Association Challenge
Which word goes with traveling around the world? Why? 2. Which word goes with President Franklin D. Roosevelt? Why? 3. Which word goes with getting a speeding ticket? Why? 4. Which word goes with the future? Why? 5. Which word goes with George Washington? Why? 6. Which word goes with Thomas Jefferson? Why? 7. Which word goes with sky scrapers? Why? Some words can be used more than once. Can you figure out which ones? Word Bank college dimes downtown fined nickels quarters rich

37 Tell Me What You Know Create a word problem that contains quarters, nickels, and dimes. 2. Is college in your future? Explain 3. List the stores that are located downtown in your area. 4. What steps can you take so that you will not get fined? 5. If you work hard and save your money, you could become rich. What would you do with your money?

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