HPD Overview Carl Leitner IntraHealth OpenHIE Provider Registry Community Call March 6,

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Presentation on theme: "HPD Overview Carl Leitner IntraHealth OpenHIE Provider Registry Community Call March 6,"— Presentation transcript:

1 HPD Overview Carl Leitner cleitner@intrahealth.org IntraHealth Internationalcleitner@intrahealth.org OpenHIE Provider Registry Community Call March 6, 2013

2 HPD Profile Healthcare Provider Directory (HPD) o HPD Profile is defined by Integrating the Health Enterprise http://www.ihe.net http://www.ihe.net o Profile specifies a specific implementation of a standard to o “supports queries against, and management of, healthcare provider information that may be publicly shared in a directory structure” Technology built on: o LDAP – for data store/data model openLDAP http://www.openldap.org/ ApacheDS http://directory.apache.org/apacheds/ Microsoft Active Directoryhttp://www.openldap.org/http://directory.apache.org/apacheds/ o DSML – for API SOAP/XML specification for querying and updating LDAP server http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/dsml/docs/DSMLv2.doc http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/dsml/docs/DSMLv2.doc

3 LDAP Data Model Not a relational database Limited Query Language Quick reads Slower writes Tree/hierarchy of objects with attributes

4 LDAP Terminology - LDIF LDIF – line delimited interchange format dn: cn=Robert Smith,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com objectclass: inetOrgPerson cn: Robert Smith cn: Robert J Smith cn: bob smith sn: smith uid: rjsmith dn (distinguished name) is the location of the record in LDAP. read it right to left to walk down tree objectClass defined the object being stored. Properties/attributes of an object class defined in ldap schema Remainder are attributes. May be multi-valued (e.g. cn)

5 LDAP Terminology - Schema Schema used to define attributes of object class objectclass ( 2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.2 NAME 'inetOrgPerson' DESC 'RFC2798: Internet Organizational Person' SUP organizationalPerson STRUCTURAL MAY ( audio $ businessCategory $ carLicense $ departmentNumber $ displayName $ employeeNumber $ employeeType $ givenName $ homePhone $ homePostalAddress $ initials $ jpegPhoto $ labeledURI $ mail $ manager $ mobile $ o $ pager $ photo $ roomNumber $ secretary $ uid $ userCertificate $ x500uniqueIdentifier $ preferredLanguage $ userSMIMECertificate $ userPKCS12 )) Inherit attributes of superior class Attributes defined globally in schema with data typ http://www.zytrax.com/books/ldap/ape/core-schema.html#organizationalperson

6 HPD Profile – Organizational Units HCProfessional for storing individual provider information HCRegulatedOrganization containing information on organizational providers and its relevant information HPDCredential to include health related credentials of providers Relationship to determine membership http://www.ihe.net/Technical_Framework/upload/IHE_ITI_Suppl_HPD.pdf

7 HPD Profile – Organizational Units HCProfessional HPD HCRegulated Organization Relationship Central Hospital uid=1 Bill Smirth Uid=2 Mary Jones Uid=3 Uid=1 Uid=2Uid=3

8 HCProfessional Object Class Stores information about an individual provider Extends the inetOrgPerson object class Highlighted Required Attributes: o hcIdentifier o hcProfession o hpdProviderStatus o memberOf

9 HCRegulatedOrganization Object Class Stores information about an organizational provider Extends the Organization object class Highlighted Required Attributes: o hcIdentifier o businessType – the type of the organization o hpdProviderStatus o memberOf

10 SOAP + XML API defined via DSMLv2 Provider Query and Provider Feed ftp://ftp.ihe.net/TF_Implementation_Material/ITI/examples/HPD/ HPD API

11 LDAP and Coded Data Lists LDAP is not relational database Many-valued attributes How can we best ensure data standardization?

12 Coded Data Lists in RHEA RHEA PR stored coded facilities, standardized data lists #provider dn: nid=10222034995, ou=Providers, dc=moh, dc=gov, dc=rw objectclass: providerPerson nid: 10222034995 cn: Chilboa Rainda #and their positing dn: ou=facility|372, nid=10222034995,ou=Providers, dc=moh, dc=gov, dc=rw objectclass: providerPost ou: facility|372 #coded facility from Master Facility List description: Katabagemu employeeType: post_type|pps #coded type of employee locationCode: county|AU050204 #coded municipality of deployment

13 RHEA PR – Enforcing Standardization

14 API (Direct) SDMX- HD Linking PR and Facility Registry Provider Registry (LDAP) Facility Registry Bill Smith works in a facility with code 234 Central Hospital Code: 234 API (Mediator)

15 For More Information Provider Registry Google Group https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/provider-registry https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/provider-registry Provider Registry Wiki http://www.ihris.org/wiki/Provider_Registry http://www.ihris.org/wiki/Provider_Registry OpenHIE http://www.ohie.org http://www.ohie.org

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