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Suspended Load Bed Load 1. Bedload Transport transport rate of sediment moving near or in contact with bed particles roll or hop (saltate), with grain-to-grain.

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Presentation on theme: "Suspended Load Bed Load 1. Bedload Transport transport rate of sediment moving near or in contact with bed particles roll or hop (saltate), with grain-to-grain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Suspended Load Bed Load 1. Bedload Transport transport rate of sediment moving near or in contact with bed particles roll or hop (saltate), with grain-to-grain contact 2. Suspended-Sediment Transport fluid conditions suspending particles particles supported by turbulence

2 Bedload Transport Definition: 1. Bagnold - the particles which are supported by inter-granular collisions as opposed to fluid drag. 2. The particles moving in a band up to some height above the bed. 3. Pragmatic - those particles that can be caught in a bedload sampler.

3 Major early body of work done by: H.A. Einstein (1950s) Meyer-Peter and Muller (1948) Bagnold (1940 - 1950s) As with initiation of motion, bedload transport can be treated: Empirically Balance of forces Dimensional arguments incorporating both physics and empirical findings.

4 Bagnold - Concept of bedload sediment transport is related to the rate of transfer of energy (work) done by the fluid on the moving grains. Work = transfer of energy across a system boundary (e.g., from a shaft to a fluid) Power = rate at which energy transfer is done, or Work/Time

5 On the seabed, Work can be defined in terms of the shear stress. Transfer of energy from bottom boundary layer fluid to seabed particles   b Rate of transfer (Power)  ū  b In terms of u *, Power  ū  b = (  u * 2 ) (f (u * ) ) Power   u * 3 Note: very small changes in velocity, or bed roughness, can have significant effects on the rate of bedload transport.

6 Not all energy gets transferred to bedload grains, need an “efficiency factor” Bedload transport rate = K · Power Bagnold’s Relationship for bedload transport rate:

7 Need to experimentally evaluate K First work focused on: K = f ( D, relative roughness) Inman, Coastal dunes: where C = 1.5 in uniform sand, 1.8 in naturally sorted sand, and 2.5 in poorly sorted sand D is diameter in  m Need to consider Flow as well as seabed parameters. - Marine Environment - Sternberg & Kachel, 1971.

8 Sternberg & Kachel, 1971 Measured ripple migration rates with stereo-cameras in Puget Sound. Evaluated K as a function of: D & flow conditions Found: Applicable for: D between 0.2 and 2 mm steady to accelerating flow limited amounts of suspended sediment

9 1. Given flow conditions, find u * and then  b 2. Given D and u * use a threshold curve to find  cr 3. Find K graphically, or through the curve-fit equations. 4. Calculate j Sternberg and Kachel, 1971

10 The changes in tidal current velocity measured at 1 m above the bed during a complete tidal cycle in the North Sea. As a result of the u 3 relationship, appreciable differences occur between the amounts of sediment that can be transported in each tidal direction Tidal Bedload Transport Example: Open University, 1989

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