Indian Affairs Modernization Initiative Office of the Assistant Secretary ─ Indian Affairs.

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Presentation on theme: "Indian Affairs Modernization Initiative Office of the Assistant Secretary ─ Indian Affairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indian Affairs Modernization Initiative Office of the Assistant Secretary ─ Indian Affairs

2 Federal Communications Commission February 2009 switch to Digital TV Department of Energy Solar Decathlon Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Preserve America Program

3 3 Indian Affairs Modernization Schedule of Meetings DateRegionCity September 4, 2007SouthwestAlbuquerque, NM September 5, 2007NavajoGallup, NM September 7, 2007PacificSacramento, CA September 10, 2007Eastern OklahomaMuskogee, OK September 11, 2007Southern PlainsLawton, OK September 13, 2007EasternNashville, TN September 17, 2007MidwestPrior Lake, MN September 19, 2007AlaskaAnchorage, AK September 21, 2007NorthwesternPortland, OR September 24, 2007Rocky MountainsBillings, MT September 26, 2007WesternPhoenix, AZ September 28, 2007Great PlainsWatertown, SD

4 4 Indian Affairs Modernization Why are these meetings being held? Upcoming Staff Attrition Potential Loss of Corporate Knowledge Rising Costs Advances in Technologies Self-Determination/Self-Governance Changes

5 5 Indian Affairs Modernization What is to be accomplished at these meetings? Discuss how to actively prepare for changes in Indian Affairs. Share ideas on how we might change our business processes to be more effective. Discuss how the priorities and goals of Indian Affairs should be structured for the future well being of tribes and their members.

6 6 Indian Affairs Modernization How will the information be gathered and utilized? Meetings will be held in each Region during the month of September. Meetings will be recorded and transcribed. Comments will be collected in writing. Notes are also being taken. All meeting records will be posted on the DOI website.

7 7 Indian Affairs Modernization What will happen after these meetings? Transcripts, and written comments will be analyzed and recommendations reported to the Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs. Copies of the transcripts will be available at Your comments, ideas, and suggestions will be used to guide the administration in discussing how Indian Affairs can meet the needs of Indian Country in the next 10 to 20 years.

8 Topics we would like to discuss

9 9 Topic: Retirement of knowledgeable staff.

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14 14 Topic: How has the Self-Governance Program been successful? What are the challenges to increasing the program? Why are tribes not fully embracing SG? Do Tribes want to return programs to federal control?

15 15 Topic: How do we solve Fractionation? Will Tribal self-management of trust land help resolve this issue? Is the Rosebud Sioux model of a tribal corporation a good approach?

16 16 Topic: Can we consolidate or alter business processes to be more efficient? Such as: Real Estate Services Probate Economic Development

17 17 Topic: Is the current regional office structure of 12 offices efficient? Do we need more or less? Do the current 85 Agency Offices create efficiency in delivery of service? Are there other options?

18 18 Topic: How do we use current and future technology to make our programs more efficient?

19 19 Topic: How do we help promote tribal economic self-sufficiency and leadership?

20 20 Self Governance? IA Technology? Regional Structure? Agencies? Retirement? Reform IA Business Processes? Tribal Economic Development? Tribal self-management of Fractionation?

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