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Teachings Concerning Judgment Matthew 24

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1 Teachings Concerning Judgment Matthew 24
The Life of Jesus (29) Teachings Concerning Judgment Matthew 24

2 Matthew 24 Jesus pronounces judgment upon Jerusalem This chapter the playground of end of age speculations (premillenialism, 70 AD doctrine, etc.)

3 Matthew 24 - Background Jesus’ continued response to cleansing the temple & His authority After His rebuke of their hypocrisy (ch. 23), He pronounces judgment Matt. 23:36-39 – He mourns for Jerusalem

4 Matthew 24 - Background 24:1-2 – Jesus prophesies the destruction of the temple 24:3, “When will these things be?” “What will be the signs of Your coming and of the end of the age.”

5 Matthew 24 – The Message 24:4-35 – the coming destruction of Jerusalem Answering the 1st question! 24:36-51 – “But of that day and hour no one knows…” Answering the 2nd question!

6 Matt. 24:4-35 – Jerusalem 24:4-5 – many would come claiming to be the Christ (cf. Acts 8:9-10, etc.) 24:6-8 – wars, disasters, “the beginning of sorrows.” Such observations are very common in history. All these were prevalent between AD

7 24:11 - False prophets would arise (2 Pet. 2:1-3, 2 John 9-11)
Matt. 24:4-35 – Jerusalem 24:9-10 – persecutions would come (cf. Acts 4:2-3, 5:40-41, 7:59, 1 Thess. 2:14-16,…) 24:11 - False prophets would arise (2 Pet. 2:1-3, 2 John 9-11)

8 Matt. 24:4-35 – Jerusalem 24:12 – the love of many will grow cold (cf. Heb. 2:1-3, 3:14, 5:12-14, etc.) 24:13 – But he who endures to the end will be saved (1 Cor. 9:27, Luke 9:62,…)

9 24:14 – “this gospel will be preached in all the world…” (Col. 1:23)
Matt. 24:4-35 – Jerusalem 24:14 – “this gospel will be preached in all the world…” (Col. 1:23)

10 Matt. 24:4-35 – Jerusalem 24:15-20 – “the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet (cf. Dan. 11:30-31, 12:11)

11 Matt. 24:4-35 – Jerusalem The abomination of desolation involved foreigners defiling the temple In 168 BC, Antiochus Epiphanes defiled the temple with a idol of Zeus and unclean sacrifices. Jesus was speaking of Rome entering the temple and destroying it (cf. Luke 21:20)

12 Matt. 24:4-35 – Jerusalem The point – Jerusalem and the temple were to be destroyed - FOREVER! When they saw the signs Christians were to flee the city (24:16-20) (cf. Josephus, Wars II, section 24 – after sieging the city it was lifted for a while)

13 Matt. 24:4-35 – Jerusalem Tradition says that no Christians perished in the destruction of Jerusalem! Also note – vs Judea

14 Matt. 24:4-35 – Jerusalem 24:21-22 – there would be tribulation and a “shortening of days” God would avenge His people! (cf. 2 Thess. 1:6-9)

15 Matt. 24:4-35 – Jerusalem 24:23-26 – “false christs and prophets would arise” DON’T believe then! 24:27-31 – the coming of the Son of Man (in judgment). Various descriptions associated with judgments in the prophets Isa. 14:12, Dan 8:10, …

16 Matt. 24:4-35 – Jerusalem 24:32-33 – the parable of the fig tree – blooming in its season Point: There would be signs to heed

17 Matt. 24:4-35 – Jerusalem 24:34-35 – “this generation will not come to pass till all these things take place.” Generation – “people living at the same time and belonging to the same reproductive age-class.” (L&N, 11.4), Col. 1:26, Matt. 1:17 CONTRAST - Age (24:3)

18 Matt. 24:36-51 – “That day” 24:36-51 Jesus now begins to answer their second question, “Your coming at the end of the age?” Age (24:3) – a particular stage of history (L&N, ) Matt. 13:40, 49 (contrast this with generation)

19 24:36 – “of that day and hour no one knows”…
Matt. 24:36-51 – “That day” 24:36 – “of that day and hour no one knows”… 24:37-39 – “as in the days of Noah” – things were normal 24:40-41 – two men in field, one taken…(one saved, one lost)

20 Matt. 24:36-51 – “That day” 24:42-44 – as a thief in the night – 2 Pet. 3:10-12, 1 Thess. 5:1-3 24:45-51 – Parable of servants (one good and one evil) – BE PREPARED! 24:51 – weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matt. 8:12, 25:30, 22:13) – FINAL judgment!

21 Destruction of Jerusalem & the world contrasted – Matt. 24-25
Jerusalem (AD 70) End of World (???) Time identified Time unknown “This generation” “Those days” “That day” Events prior – specific Events prior - typical Advance warning – fig tree NO warning – as a thief Judgment local – Judea Universal Time to escape No time for escape

22 Israel has been judged, so will we. Are you ready?

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