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Unit 2 The United Kingdom Using language (1). What is London famous for? Have you ever been to London?

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1 Unit 2 The United Kingdom Using language (1)

2 What is London famous for? Have you ever been to London?

3 Big Ben

4 London Tower Bridge

5 British Museum

6 Hyde Park

7 London Eye


9 Fast reading How did Zhang Pingyu plan her tour? First, she made a list of the sites she wanted to see. Then she planned her four- day trip.

10 Make a list of Zhang Pingyu’s tour of London. Day 1 1. The Tower of London 2. St Paul’s Cathedral 3. Westminster Abbey 4. Big Ben 5. Buckingham Palace

11 Day 2 Greenwich (old ships, clock and the longitude line) Day 3 Karl Marx’s Statue British Museum

12 Careful reading Read the passage carefully and make a comment on each place she visited (P15).

13 sites of Londoncomments Day 1 1. 2. 3. 4. St Paul’s Cathedral splendid and interesting Big Ben famous and very loud delight Tower Westminster Abby full of statues of poets and writers

14 sites of Londoncomments Day 2 Day 3 Greenwich with: ships, longitude line clock (GMT) famous and interesting Karl Marx’s statue strange that … British Museum thrilled

15 1. sightseeing n. 观光 I am here for sightseeing. Some people like to lie on the beach, but I prefer sightseeing. I returned to my homeland on a sightseeing tour. sightsee v. 观光 sightseer n. 观光客, 游客 go sightseeing 观光, 游览 Language points

16 2. delight: n. 快乐, 高兴 She ran back home with delight. He takes great delight in painting. To our delight, our football team won. v. 给与乐趣 ; 使高兴 He delighted the audience with his performance. delighted adj. be delighted to do

17 pleasure, delight, enjoyment, joy, fun 这些名 词均含 “ 愉快、快乐、高兴 ” 之意。 pleasure: 最普通常用词,常指不表露出来的 满意或喜悦情绪,也指强烈的愉快或兴 奋感。 delight: 指强烈的、活泼的、显而易见的快 乐和高兴。

18 enjoyment: 比 pleasure, joy 和 delight 的语气 轻,但更着重行为或乐事的本身,而不 是感情。 joy: 语气强于 pleasure ,多指情感充溢, 喜形于色的强烈的欢乐情绪。 fun: 普通用词,指任何能给予喜悦的娱乐, 或指娱乐本身。

19 3. in memory of 纪念 … The museum was built in memory of the great writer – Lu Xun. We named the lake Rebecca in memory of her. in honor of 为纪念 … ,为向 … 表示敬 意,为 … 庆祝 in celebration of 为庆祝 …

20 4. …, so Pingyu had a photo taken standing on either side of the line. had a photo taken 是 have sth. done 的 结构。 standing on either side of the line 是 现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随状态。

21 5. It is strange /necessary/ natural/ important/ a pity… +that (should) + v. ( 虚拟语气 ) 1)You can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman (should) be so rude to a lady. 2) It is strange that he ___ so much about me. A. knows B. knew C. has known D. know D

22 6. thrill vt. 使激动, 使胆战心惊 The film thrilled the audience. It's a sight that never fails to thrill me. She was thrilled with terror when she saw the scene of the murder. n. 兴奋, 激动 ; 恐怖 He felt a thrill when he got into the theater.

23 Fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box. 1.We _______________ the good news that our team won the first. 2. We set up a monument ____________ the heroes. 3. We are very excited to see so many products from China __________ here. in memory of; on show; be thrilled at on show were thrilled at in memory of

24 7. It looked splendid when first built! 从句是一个省略句,主语与主句的主 语一致时, 可省略相同成分。 When ____________________, he went red. asked why he was late when first built = when it was first built

25 1)Generally speaking, __ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect. A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken 2) Unless ____ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference. A. invited B. inviting C. being invited D. having invited B A


27 members of the Royal Family


29 Look at the list of English kings and queens. Tick the ones you hear about. 2. King Edward Ⅳ 1461-1483 King Edward Ⅴ 1483-1483 King Richard Ⅲ 1483-1485 King Henry Ⅶ 1485-1509 King Henry Ⅷ 1509-1547 Edward Ⅵ 1547-1553 Mary 1553-1558 Elizabeth Ⅰ 1558-1603

30 Listen to Part 1 and then answer the questions. 3. 1. Which king on the list was one of the princes in the Tower? How do you know? 2. Who had the two princes killed? Later Edward Ⅴ. We know this because both were princes; both wore young boys; their uncle was Richard who later became King Richard III. King Richard III killed the princes because he wanted to become king.

31 Listen to Part 2 and fill in the blanks below. 4. ZP: Who _____________ to the Tower as a prisoner? G: A _________ queen. In the 1550s Queen ________ sent her sister, _______ Elizabeth, to the _________ as a prisoner. ZP: __________! Why did she do that? G: She __________ Elizabeth was a traitor. So she sent Elizabeth _________ a special gate called “________ Gate”. That only __________ to very bad people. came future MaryPrincess Tower Strange thought through Traitors’happened


33 Excuse me… I’m afraid I can’t follow you. Please, can you speak more slowly? I beg your pardon? Pardon? What did you mean by …? I didn’t understand … I’m sorry but could you repeat that? When you have problems understanding the guide, these phrases may help you.

34 In pairs choose one interesting building or attraction in your hometown or home village. One of you will be the tourist and the other the tour guide. Practise the dialogue. You may use the expressions above.

35 A sample dialogue A: Excuse me. Are you a guide? B: Yes, I am. Can I help you? A: Can I ask you a question about the Temple of Heaven? B: Of course. What do you want to know? A: What is this Temple for?

36 B: The Emperor came to pray for good crops and a good harvest for the country. He made offerings to the God and asked him for help. A: Please can you speak more slowly? I’m afraid I can’t follow you.

37 B: I’m sorry. I’ll speak more slowly. This is the Hall where the Emperor made his sacrifices to the Gods. You may not go in but just look through the door. A: What did you mean by making sacrifice? B: He killed many animals after making prayers. He also dressed in special clothes.

38 A: I beg your pardon? Special clothes! I thought his clothes were always special! What were they? B: They were clothes kept just for this occasion. He changed in a special yellow room and came out to go to pray to the Gods.

39 A: I see. When did this stop? B: When the Emperors stopped ruling China. A: Thank you. You have been most helpful.


41 Persuasive writing is a type of writing where your main goal is to persuade or convince someone to do something that you want them to do. Use several points to support your opinion through the use of statistics, comparison, and so on.

42 Using persuasive writing, write a poster to introduce a place of interest you are familiar with.

43 1.Surf the Internet to get more information about the UK and prepare a speech on certain aspects of the country. 2.Finish Reading Task in workbook. Homework

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