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د. تركي محمد الداود مكتب 2 ب 45 علم الأحياء الدقيقة Microbiology مقدمة Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "د. تركي محمد الداود مكتب 2 ب 45 علم الأحياء الدقيقة Microbiology مقدمة Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 د. تركي محمد الداود مكتب 2 ب 45 علم الأحياء الدقيقة Microbiology مقدمة Introduction

2 What is Microbiology? Micro - too small to be seen with the unaided “naked” eyes. Bio - life ology - study of

3 Organisms included in the study of Microbiology 1. Bacteria 2. Protozoans 3. Algae 4. Parasites 5. Yeasts and Molds Fungi 6. Viruses Bacteriology Protozoology Phycology Parasitology Mycology Virology

4 Sizes of Microbes Virus - 10 →1000 nanometers * Bacteria - 0.1 → 5 micrometers ** (Human eye ) can see.1 mm (1 x 10 -3 m) * One billionth or 1 x 10 -9 m ** One millionth or 1 x 10 -6 m

5 Bacteriology: It is science to deal with the study of the bacteria. Virology: It is science to deal with the study of the virus. Mycology: It is science to deal with the study of fungi. Immunology: It is the science to deal with the resistance of the body to any foreign substance. Parasitology: It is the science to deal with Parasites.

6 The importance of microorganisms: Microorganisms are the oldest forms of life. Microorganisms have the greatest biomass. Microorganisms have killed more people than have ever been killed in wars. Without certain microorganism life could not exist; produce O 2 and N 2. Microorganisms are decomposers.

7 Branches of Study Within Microbiology Immunology Public health microbiology & epidemiology Food, dairy and aquatic microbiology Biotechnology Genetic engineering & recombinant DNA technology

8 Microbes are Involved in Nutrient Production & Energy Flow Decomposition (bioremediation) Production of Foods & Food Spoilage Production of Drugs & Vaccines Genetic Engineering Causing Infections, Diseases, Epidemics

9 Microbes Benefit Humans 1. Bacteria are primary decomposers - recycle nutrients back into the environment 2. Microbes produce various food products: Cheese, pickles, etc. Yogurt, soy sauce, vinegar, and bread. Beer, Alcohol, etc. 3. Microbes are used to produce Antibiotics: Mold: Penicillin in 1928 by Alexander Fleming.

10 Microbes do benefit us, but they are also capable of causing many diseases: Pneumonia, Whooping Cough, Botulism, Typhoid Fever, Measles, Cholera…etc.

11 Type of Cells Prokaryotic cells: bacteria and blue- green algae Eukaryotic cells: fungi and protozoa Viruses: infective particle that need a viable cell for their replication and can be seen using Electron Microscope.

12 The Living Organisms grouped into 1. Bacteria ( Eubacteria) Unicellular prokaryotes with cell wall containing peptidoglycan 2. Archaea ( Archaebacteria) Unicellular prokaryotes with no peptodoglycan in cell wall

13 3. Eukaryota Protista Fungi Plants Animals


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