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10/20/20151 GC16/3011 Functional Programming Lecture 22 The Four-Stroke Reduction Engine.

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1 10/20/20151 GC16/3011 Functional Programming Lecture 22 The Four-Stroke Reduction Engine

2 10/20/20152 Contents  Motivation  Model for Parallel Graph Reduction  Parallelism and Tasks  FSRE representation, synchronisation and scheduling  Two-stroke reduction  Four-stroke reduction  Summary

3 10/20/20153 Motivation  Previously: abstract/theoretical  This lecture: a real graph reducer  Details of the Four-Stroke Reduction Engine

4 10/20/20154 Model for PGR Shared Task Pool Shared Heap @ @ + 3 4 Agent

5 10/20/20155  Each task:  has access to any part of graph  performs reductions in normal order  reduces a subgraph to (weak head) normal form  Overwrites root node of redex (with indirection to result) as indivisible operation  Then simply “dies”  may anticipate need for value of a subgraph  Places task for that subgraph in task pool (sparking)  is executed by an agent (physical processor)

6 10/20/20156 Parallelism and tasks  Sparking could be conservative or speculative  Speculative sparking needs careful management  FSRE uses conservative sparking  For (e1 e2), e1 may not yet be evaluated  So could evaluate e1 in parallel with e2  Extends to many arguments evaluated in parallel  But only those we know will be needed  Parallelism annotations advise when and what to spark

7 10/20/20157  Want to detect parallelism in three cases:  f x y = x + y  f will always evaluate x and y  Could annotate the function f, or the application nodes ((f x) y)  ((if e1 f g) e2)  Don’t know which function used until runtime  So annotate the functions  f x y = y 3 x  f is not strict in x if y doesn’t use x  But for application (f e +) the expression e WILL be used  So annotate the application nodes

8 10/20/20158 FSRE representation  A node (or cell) has a tag, a left field and a right field  Tags denote application, lambda, constant, parallelism annotations and “paint” (see later) etc.  A “task” is two pointers (B and F)  Graph traversal is achieved using pointer reversal (no stack required)  Current state of a suspended task is held in graph  Reversed pointers made inaccessible to other tasks (because nodes are “painted” – see later)

9 10/20/20159 FSRE synchronisation  Two tasks attempt to evaluate common subgraph?  Mutual exclusion not required, but desirable to prevent duplicated effort @ @ @ @ @ + 3 1 6 g * *

10 10/20/201510 FSRE synchronisation (2)  As task traverses graph, it “paints” all nodes it is working on (special versions of tags)  After working on a section of graph, it “unpaints” the nodes  If a task attempts to access a node that has been “painted” by another task, it blocks until the node is unpainted  Tasks are blocked and later resumed with no explicit communication between agents or tasks

11 10/20/201511 FSRE synchronisation (3)  A task (parent) sparks a subtask (child) to evaluate a subgraph  Later, the parent accesses the subgraph to get its value. The subgraph might be in one of three states:  Already evaluated: parent uses value  Being evaluated: subgraph is “painted” and parent blocks until it is “unpainted”  Not yet started to be evaluated: parent evaluates the subgraph (“paints” the nodes) and child will later block or die

12 10/20/201512 FSRE synchronisation (4)  A task is blocked when it accesses a “painted” node:  It is then placed on a queue of blocked tasks  This queue is attached to the node that caused the block  Using reversed pointer so no extra memory overhead!  When the node is “unpainted”, all tasks in the task queue for this node are sent to the task pool  Block on unwind, resume on rewind

13 10/20/201513@ @ @ @ @B F B’ F’

14 10/20/201514Q @ @ @ @ @B F B’F’Q Q

15 10/20/201515 FSRE scheduling  Too many sparked tasks: task pool fills up  Ignore new sparked tasks!  Discard already-sparked tasks!  (parents always check on their children and do the work themselves if child doesn’t)  NB can’t ignore/discard RESUMED tasks (parent?)  Always schedule resumed tasks first  Use LIFO/FIFO switching for parallelism control (less/more) in system

16 10/20/201516 Two-stroke reduction  “Inlet”  Unwind down the spine to find the leftmost outermost function  Use pointer-reversal and “paint” nodes  If find parallelism annotations in application nodes, spark tasks to evaluate those arguments  Might block on way down, so don’t remember arguments  If leftmost outermost function is a lambda (or a primitive with no strict args), use 2-stroke reduction  if primitive operator, use 4-stroke reduction  “Exhaust”  Get parallelism info and number of args  Rewind (& unpaint) up the spine to find the root of the redex Overwrite root with IND to result of reduction  Then go to “Inlet” again!

17 10/20/201517 Four-stroke reduction  “Inlet” – same as before  “Compression”  Get parallelism info and number of strict args  Rewind (& unpaint) up the spine to the topmost strict argument, sparking strict args on the way up  “Power”  Unwind (& paint) the spine again, checking the evaluation of all strict args one at a time  “Exhaust” – same as before

18 10/20/201518 Summary  Motivation  Model for Parallel Graph Reduction  Parallelism and Tasks  FSRE representation, synchronisation and scheduling  Two-stroke reduction  Four-stroke reduction  Summary

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