…. Genesis 31-33:17 Lesson 17 Jacob Leaves  Laben’s sons are ill toward Jacob  Laben’s attitude toward Jacob changes  God tells Jacob to return to.

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2 Genesis 31-33:17 Lesson 17

3 Jacob Leaves  Laben’s sons are ill toward Jacob  Laben’s attitude toward Jacob changes  God tells Jacob to return to his father’s land  Jacob informs his wives Leah and Rachel

4 Jacob Leaves  Jacob recounts to his wives how God has blessed him over their father and tells of God’s appearance in a dream tell him to return to his father  Rachel and Leah tell Jacob they will leave their father and go with him  Ge 2:24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

5 Jacob Leaves  Jacob recounts to his wives how God has blessed him over their father and tells of God’s appearance in a dream tell him to return to his father  Rachel and Leah tell Jacob they will leave their father and go with him  Jacob, his wives, sons, livestock and possessions all leave while Laben is away shearing sheep  Rachel steals her father’s idols

6 Jacob Leaves  On the third day Laben learn what has happened and gives chase  The Lord tells Laben that he is to speak neither good nor evil to Jacob  Laben overtakes Jacob and asks why he has left without saying ‘goodbye’  Jacob says he was afraid  Laben accuses him of stealing his idol  Jacob tells Laben to search his company Not knowing that Rachel was guilty.

7 Jacob Leaves  Laben searches and does not find the idols Rachel sits on them  Jacob rebukes Laben for his accusation about the idols and for the way Laben treated him for 20 years  Jacob and Laben make a covenant that they would not harm one another in the future  Laben returns home

8 Meeting Esau  God is travelling with Jacob  Mahanaim - meaning two camps in Hebrew, is a place near Jabbok, beyond the Jordan River, mentioned a number of times by the Bible. The precise location of Mahanaim is very uncertain, the Biblical data being inconclusive. Although two possible sites have been identified, the one most widely accepted lies about ten miles east of Jordan River. The other is located nine miles farther upstream on the Jabbok River itself. Mahanaim was in the same general area as Jabesh-gilead.HebrewJabbokJordan River Jabesh-gilead

9 Jabbok River

10 Mahanaim (possible site)

11 Meeting Esau  God is travelling with Jacob  Mahanaim - meaning two camps in Hebrew, is a place near Jabbok, beyond the Jordan River, mentioned a number of times by the Bible. The precise location of Mahanaim is very uncertain, the Biblical data being inconclusive. Although two possible sites have been identified, the one most widely accepted lies about ten miles east of Jordan River. The other is located nine miles farther upstream on the Jabbok River itself. Mahanaim was in the same general area as Jabesh-gilead.HebrewJabbokJordan RiverJabesh-gilead  Jacob sends messengers ahead to meet Esau

12 Meeting Esau  Esau is coming with 400 men  Jacob divides his company for protection  Jacob prays to God for deliverance from Esau  Jacob sends presents to Esau drove by drove  Jacob’s name is changed to Israel

13 Fords of the Jabbok

14 Meeting Esau  Jacob prepares to meet Esau  Separates the wives with their children  Rachel with Joseph is last Joseph is age 6  Jacob and Esau meet  Esau’s reaction to the gift

15 Meeting Esau  Jacob’s reply Note use of ‘enough’  Jacob and Esau separate  Esau going back to his home  Jacob travels to Succoth and built a house

16 ‘Enough’  Esau ran to meet him—How sincere and genuine is this conduct of Esau, and at the same time how magnanimous! He had buried all his resentment, and forgotten all his injuries; and receives his brother with the strongest demonstrations, not only of forgiveness, but of fraternal affection.

17 ‘Enough’  Jacob could not be certain that he had found favor with Esau, unless the present had been received; for in accepting it Esau necessarily became his friend, according to the custom of those times, and in that country. In the eastern countries, if your present be received by your superior, you may rely on his friendship; if it be not received, you have everything to fear. It is on this ground that Jacob was so urgent with Esau to receive his present, because he knew that after this he must treat him as a friend.

18 ‘Enough’  Ge 33:9 But Esau said, "I have enough, my brother; keep what you have for yourself.“  value of peace with family, others  …greater than possessions


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