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The Scientific Revolution. What is a revolution? It is a major change.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Revolution. What is a revolution? It is a major change."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Revolution

2 What is a revolution? It is a major change.

3 Revolution

4 A Geocentric Universe The ancient astronomer, Ptolemy, proposed a geocentric (earth centered) universe. This Ptolemaic System was accepted for over 1500 years.

5 Why did the Roman Catholic Church believe in a geocentric universe? The Bible taught that God created the earth and people. It made sense that the sun, moon, planets, and stars revolved around the earth.

6 Who are astronomers? Astronomers are scientists who study the motions of stars and planets.

7 How did Copernicus change the way people looked at the universe? He believed in a heliocentric, or sun- centered, universe.

8 Why did Copernicus have to keep his work a secret for most of his life? He realized his ideas would cause conflict with the Church. He faced possible arrest or excommunication.

9 How did Kepler change Copernicus's theory? Kepler showed that the planets moved in ellipses.

10 How did Galileo discover more about the universe? Galileo built an improved telescope.

11 Galileo's Telescope

12 Galileo and the Church

13 Why do you think the Church would want to punish Galileo?

14 The Church and the Heliocentric Universe Scientists began to question the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. A conflict between scientific thought and religious beliefs arose. The Church did not want its authority questioned.

15 Galileo was Punished Galileo was renounced and put under house arrest. Scientists who agreed with Galileo and Copernicus could face excommunication.

16 What is the purpose of the scientific method?

17 The Scientific Method

18 Why is Isaac Newton significant? He discovered that white light can be broken into the spectrum. He invented the form of math known as calculus. He developed the law of gravity.

19 Newton

20 In what ways do the think the Age of Exploration affected, or led to, the Scientific Revolution?

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