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Starting out in clinical academia Amitava Banerjee NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Cardiovascular Medicine University of Birmingham

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Presentation on theme: "Starting out in clinical academia Amitava Banerjee NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Cardiovascular Medicine University of Birmingham"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starting out in clinical academia Amitava Banerjee NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Cardiovascular Medicine University of Birmingham

2 Conflicts of interest Nil

3 Outline Current UK climate for clinical academics My career path Lessons from my mistakes Specific questions from trainees

4 UK healthcare spending-under threat

5 Patients and funding-on the rise

6 Growth of publications (and retractions)

7 Lesson 1 Go where there is a need and a future

8 Flow diagram for clinical research

9 Flow diagram for knowledge creation

10 Flow diagram for clinical academic training

11 How to never become a consultant 1996- Medical school (Oxford) 2002/3- House jobs (Oxford/Newcastle) SHO A+E/Cardiothoracic (Hull) 2004/5- MPH (Harvard) Internship (WHO) SHO Medicine(Oxford/London) 2007- DPhil (Oxford) 2010- Cardiology (West Midlands) 2011- Clinical Lecturer (Birmingham) 2015- CCT due

12 Lesson 2 Life is not a flow diagram

13 ST years pre-doc Broad experience Identify potential local mentors/projects Ask ACFs/ACLs Read around to establish your interests Get exams out of the way Publications

14 How to prepare an application for funding for a higher degree Person Place Project Mentor Peer review Deadlines Supporting documentation Develop a thick skin

15 Sources of PhD funding MRC Wellcome NIHR Speciality-specific funders- CRUK, BHF Special funding-BMA, AXA, Fulbright, Mason Medical Research, Dunhill Trust, Pharma Societies-RCP/RCS/Academy of Medical Sciences Secured funding BMJ Careers

16 NHS research

17 Flow diagram for clinical academic training

18 Lesson 3 Don’t worry about failure

19 Challenges facing surgical speciality ACFs/CLs Support of clinical and academic supervisors/teams and deanery Gaining practical competency Realism Selecting the right subspeciality Mentorship

20 Lesson 4 One size does not fit all

21 Conclusions There is plenty of scope and need for clinical academics There are many ways to become a clinical academic Identifying good mentors is crucial

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