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Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis

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1 Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis
Chapter 12 Nucleic Acids and Protein Synthesis

2 DNA: Structure and Shape
Composition: a nucleotide has these 3 things: Deoxyribose (a sugar) Phosphate Group Nitrogen-containing bases (N-bases) Purines: Adenine (A) Guanine (G) Pyrimidines 3. Thymine (T) 4. Cytosine (C) Shape: Double helix

3 Replication: DNA copies itself
Steps: The nucleotide chain separates and unwinds Each chain serves as a template for the next step The enzyme helicase helps the process Complementary nucleotides that are free-floating in the nucleus, assemble Nucleotides join by Hydrogen bonds Products: Two new DNA strands (this occurs before a cell divides).

4 RNA: Composition and Shape
Ribose (a sugar) Phosphate group --N-base: Adenine(A), Uracil(U), Cytosine (C), and Guanine (G) Shape: single-stranded

5 RNA: Types mRNA – messenger RNA carries info from DNA in the nucleus to the cytosol. tRNA- transfer RNA takes info from the mRNA and binds to amino acids. rRNA- ribosomal RNA exists where proteins are made.

6 Transcription: DNA makes RNA
Steps: DNA unwinds Complementary RNA nucleotides assemble Nucleotides of RNA join and separate from DNA molecule Results: DNA passes info (transcribes) onto RNA. RNA molecules exit the nucleus and go to ribosomes for protein synthesis.

7 Translation – Protein Synthesis
Composition of Proteins: chains of amino acids Each of the 20 amino acids are coded for by a specific sequence of 3 mRNA nucleotides (p 303) Steps of Process: codes from mRNA are translated into making proteins (p 304) mRNA leaves nucleus and goes to ribosomes Amino acids are carried to the ribosomes by tRNA tRNA carries anticodons complementary to the codons of mRNA and in joining, the amino acids are connected in a certain sequence to produce proteins.

8 translation:

9 Summary – from replication to translation

10 More . . . DNA composition Quiz DNA replication quiz
Transcription Quiz RNA Types Quiz Translation Quiz

11 12.4 Mutations: changes in genetic material
Gene Mutations: changes in one or a few nucleotides affecting one gene Point mutations Frameshift mutations Chromosomal mutations: involves changes in the number and structure of chromosomes Significance: Neutral effects Disorders Genetic variability among species Polyploidy in plants

12 12.5 Gene Regulation Terms: Operon Differentiation Hox genes

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