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Significance of Scripting Languages for Operating System Administration Vladimir Mateljan Željka Požgaj Krunoslav Peter INFuture2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Significance of Scripting Languages for Operating System Administration Vladimir Mateljan Željka Požgaj Krunoslav Peter INFuture2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Significance of Scripting Languages for Operating System Administration Vladimir Mateljan Željka Požgaj Krunoslav Peter INFuture2007

2 Introduction analysis of scripting programming languages why they are significant for operating system (OS) administration, especially for automating administration tasks

3 OS Administration GUI Tool – pointing and clicking Command Line – writing and executing commands

4 Automation of OS Administration sequences of OS’s shell commands – simple programming solutions – scripts scripting languages (SLs) can be used for development of program solutions used in the automation of OS administration with a minimum code usage

5 Scripting Programming Languages interpreted programming languages building applications from reusable components rapid application development building minimalist but functional program solutions examples: bash – shell SL awk – a pattern scanning and text processing language

6 The Shell Language - bash simple and expressive syntax: command: command [switch] [argument] statement: command [; command] piping (sending data from one to another command): command [| command] redirection (sending data to file): command [> file] script: statement [statement]

7 The Pattern Scanning and Text Processing Language - awk the syntax for invoking awk: specifying a script on the command line: awk ‘script’ file [file] invoking awk with a script file: awk -f script file [file] the structure of the awk script: pattern { procedure }... example – counting rows in text file : $ awk '{ i++ } END { print i }' file.txt

8 Statement, Alias, and Script statement: $ ls | grep txt | wc -l alias: $ alias lsx='ls | wc -l' script: #!/bin/bash echo __Text Docs__ > doc.txt ls | grep doc >> doc.txt

9 Pragmatics of SL simple and expressive syntax single data type – string powerful operations – piping and redirection example – stoping process that has string “sleep” in name: $ ps | awk '$4 ~ /sleep/ { cmd = "kill -9 " $1; print | cmd }'

10 Significance of SLs for OS Administration scripts – tools for automating common administration tasks additional benefits: documenting steps of administration tasks history (execution log)

11 Conclusion SLs are appropriate for rapid development of program solutions used in the automation of OS administration with a minimum code usage integration of reusable components from the framework that includes OS's shell commands

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