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Welcome! 7 th Grade Science Miss Frick Rm 58. 4 Class Rules C: Courteous A: Always be prepared. R: Respect E: Effort.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! 7 th Grade Science Miss Frick Rm 58. 4 Class Rules C: Courteous A: Always be prepared. R: Respect E: Effort."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! 7 th Grade Science Miss Frick Rm 58


3 4 Class Rules C: Courteous A: Always be prepared. R: Respect E: Effort

4 Procedures We have procedures that we use in every day activities. Procedures are in place so we know what to do and how to do it!

5 Start of Class Class begins as soon as you walk through the door 1.Anything that needs to be handed in should be placed in your bin. 2.Copy down the homework for the day. 3.Copy down the Quote of the Day and write your response. 4.Quietly begin your Do Now.

6 Late to Class Without a late pass… Late 2 times = Teacher detention Late again = phone call home, and an after school detention. If you are late to class you may not leave unless it is a dire situation.

7 Finished your work early? There are some options for you… 1.Review all your work (best effort) 2. Journal Response- Where are you on the learning scale? Where can we make improvements?

8 3. Study vocabulary. – Make notecards, study with a friend quietly 4. Take a stroll to Enrichment Ave! – Read a book/magazine – Create a comic strip of what we are learning! – Search for some fun lab experiments we can do!

9 The End of Class The last few minutes of class are extremely important. It’s when we see if you’ve met our daily objective! I will have you either write a reflection Or Fill out an EXIT SLIP

10 Absent If you are absent for any reason… A classmate seated at your table will fill out a “While you were out” form. Any missed work will be stapled to the back of the form and placed in the appropriate hanging folder. You have two class days to complete the work unless otherwise told.

11 Give Me 5 If I need to give the class information or speak I will not raise my voice. I’ll say “Give me 5” and hold up my hand. You need to stop what you’re doing, face me, put your hand up and remain quiet until the whole class is silent.

12 Restroom If you need to use the bathroom… Hold up one finger and I’ll nod if you are allowed to go.

13 Tissue If you need a tissue… Hold up 2 fingers and I’ll give you the sign to get up.

14 Materials/Pencil If you need any materials or to sharpen your pencil… Raise 3 fingers and do not get up until I give the OK.

15 Drink of Water If you need a drink of water… Raise 4 fingers until I give you the OK to get up.

16 Question If you have a question… Raise your hand (5 fingers). Do NOT call out until I call on you.

17 Consequences There are certain consequences for not following rules. 1.VERBAL warning 2.Behavior Correction Form 3.B.C.F. and notify parent/guardian 4.B.C.F. and Teacher Detention 5.Call home, Referral, Detention (Points)

18 Headings Please hand in all papers with the proper heading Name Date Period Miss Frick

19 Other Information Late work: Only accepted 2 days after due date. 5pts taken off for every day late. No food, gum, or drinks allowed in class. Always ask questions! I’m here to help !

20 Grading Policy 40%- Tests/Projects 30%- Quizzes/Labs 30%- Classwork/Homework **There will be opportunities for extra credit**

21 Talk to me… I am here for you! If you are struggling or feel lost, speak to me after class or before. I will work with you and help you.

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