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Agrarhandel heute: Konturen eines 3. Food Regimes

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1 Agrarhandel heute: Konturen eines 3. Food Regimes

2 Agrarhandel heute – Konturen eines 3. Food Regimes
1. WTO: Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) 2. Private Re-Regulierung: a corporate food regime 3. Nahrungsmittelkrisen (2007/08 und 2011)

3 Agreement on Agriculture (1995)
Ziel: „Fairer markets for farmers“ Mittel: Liberalisierung Hauptakteure: USA und EU CAIRNS-Group Transnationale Unternehmen Instrumente: Re-Regulierung der Subventionen Marktöffnung

4 1. Subentionen - „Boxing“
$ angebots- reduzie rend handels- verzer-rend ent- koppelt 2. Marktöffnung Exportsubventionen Abschaffung ImportQUOTEN Gestaffelte Reduktion der ImportZÖLLE

5 Fairer Markets for Farmers?
Subventionen: Umschichtung statt Abbau Ungleiche Liberalisierung Streitschlichtungsverfahren als Druckmittel


7 Quelle: FAO 2012

8 FAO (2004). The state of agricultural commodity markets. Rom, S.14, 25




12 WTO / AoA – Fazit „The rules themselves institutionalize the current system of global economic inequality.“ (Walden Bello)

13 Agrarhandel heute – Konturen des 3. Food Regimes
1. WTO: Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) 2. Private Re-Regulierung: a corporate food regime 3. Nahrungsmittelkrisen (2007/08 und 2011)

14 Corporate Food Regime? Das Nadelöhr des Welthandels Produzent_innen
Konsument Konsument_innen

15 ‘We are the flour in your bread, the wheat in your noodles, the salt on your fries. We are the corn in your tortillas, the chocolate in your dessert, the sweetener in your soft drink. We are the oil in your salad dressing and the beef, pork or chicken you eat for dinner. We are the cotton in your clothing, the backing on your carpet and the fertiliser in your field.’ (Cargill 2001)


17 The Retail Revolution I
Umsatz Walmart: Mrd. Euro, Carrefour Mrd. (Nestle Mrd.); Metro Mrd. Euro (BMW 68.8 Mrd.) Starker Preisdruck „upstream“ Entscheidung über Angebot Steigender Eigenmarkenanteil

18 Eigenmarkenanteil in Ö: 48%
Quelle: RollAMA 2012

19 The retail revolution – quality turn
Neues Wertschöpfungskettenmanagment „TNCs are increasingly using standards to decide factors such as who are the producers, where is the location of production, and what are the conditions of productions. ... In the global agro-food system, standards are emerging as the dominant mechanism of control.“ (Konefal et al 2005, 295) Dualisierung des Lebensmittelmarktes „Greening“? Strukturelle und diskursive Macht


21 In: Winston Salem Chronicle, North Carolina 9.3.2013


23 Agrarhandel heute – Konturen des 3. Food Regimes
1. WTO: Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) 2. Private Re-Regulierung: a corporate food regime 3. Nahrungsmittelkrisen (2007/08 und 2011)

24 Nahrungsmittelkrisen (2007/2008, 2011)


26 Tortilla Krise (Mexiko 2007)

27 Corporate Food Regime - Fazit
There is little doubt [..] that the trajectory of this so-called ‘corporate food regime’ is such that it poses a fundamental threat to the survival of a substantial proportion of the inhabitants of the planet (especially those who do not participate in the global marketplace), and to the ecology of the planet . (McMichael 2009, 151)

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