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1 Quantum Physics and Medicine Dr Beatrice MILBERT AIMA Conference August 31st, September 1st and 2nd Melbourne.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Quantum Physics and Medicine Dr Beatrice MILBERT AIMA Conference August 31st, September 1st and 2nd Melbourne."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Quantum Physics and Medicine Dr Beatrice MILBERT AIMA Conference August 31st, September 1st and 2nd Melbourne

2 2 Research question Quantum Physics has constituted a revolution in many fields Why not in medicine and biology?

3 3 3 basic principles of Quantum Physics Emmanuel Ransford: –Particule wave duality –Wavepacket –Entanglement

4 4 Importance of Information Water Memory Homeopathy Aromatherapy Traditional Medicine

5 5 The Russian discoveries While working on the functioning of cells in the 50s Russian scientists discovered that it was physics, more than chemistry, which was giving the keys to the understanding of life. = Bruce LIPTON

6 6 Space investigations Gagarine and others: orbital stations where men stayed sometimes for more than 6 months => Space research has given the possibility to test this new approach of life biology –Light –Energy –Vibrations

7 7 Professor Wladislav Christoforov (Moscow) In the 50s, working on space programmes and health issues Discovers that human cells emit and perceive electromagnetic waves of about 10 (- 24) watts Cells communicate and create different electric networks at the level of different tissues and organs

8 8 Cell functioning: energy Every cell has its own frequency Depending on the form of the cell, volume and geometry. We can boost the cell while giving it back its own frequency –Cf. the functioning of the Lakowsky machine, also called “cellular regenerator”

9 9 Cell functioning: light Fritz-Albert POPP: ADN emits light in the form of bio-photons Bio-photons are regulating all the chemical functions of a cell The cell life creates a quantum coherence field in harmony with the universe field Disease corresponds to a loss of coherence inside the body or in the environment

10 10 Cell functioning : vibrations Jacques Benveniste (1996) : –“All is molecular vibrations in the body” Mae Wan Ho: –Every molecule in the body has a specific frequency and each molecule is calling the others for working together. –She speaks of the “quantum jazz of life”

11 11 Consequences in the field of medicine J.Benveniste in the 90s and now Prof. Luc Montagnier have worked on “a new biology” where –Germs are detected by the emission of electromagnetic waves, which are specific to each of them. –=> can be applied to treat diseases

12 12 Examples Autism Neuro-degenerative diseases (Alzheimer, Parkinson, multiple sclerosis)


14 14 Bibliography (to be completed) Benveniste, Jacques, Ma verité sur la mémoire de l’eau Christoforov, Wladislav, 2007, Un nouveau regard sur le vivant, Paris, Tredaniel. Mae Wan Ho, The rainbow and the worm Popp, Fritz-Albert, Biology of light Ransford, Emmanuel, La psycho-matière Riffard-Cannenpasse, Raphael, Biologie, Medecine et Physique quantique, Riffard-Cannenpasse, Raphael La physique de la matière

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