Schematic design presentation 2.3.12 School of Business South Hall Renovation.

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Presentation on theme: "Schematic design presentation 2.3.12 School of Business South Hall Renovation."— Presentation transcript:

1 schematic design presentation 2.3.12 School of Business South Hall Renovation

2 the Project Summary  Current Schedule  Process to Date  Schematic Design Completion

3 the Process  Stakeholder Interviews  Programming  Creative Visioning Workshops

4 workshop part 1:  What are the needs?  What are the trends?  In learning environments?  In business culture?  What is the School of Business vision?

5 active learning

6 blended learning

7 flexibility

8 diffusion

9 sustainability

10 a Hub

11 workshop part 2:  Established project goals  Set project program requirements  Evaluated & tested concept ideas  Confirmed design direction

12 the Project Goals  community  collaboration  flexibility  identity  technology  history

13 the Project Program  instructional space classrooms seminar rooms computer labs break-out rooms  common space commons/cafe project rooms student study/activities  office space faculty & staff

14 the Evaluation  Stakeholder Interviews  LSSU Administration, Faculty & Staff  Programming  Space Needs  Creative Visioning Workshops  Community, LSSU & Students  LSSU Campus Master Plan  Historical Resources  Existing Conditions  Site, Building & Engineering Systems  Project Budget  State of Michigan Capital Outlay Request

15 the Schematic Design

16 Site Plan: southeast campus

17 North Elevation: campus view


19 South Elevation: community view

20 Floor Plan: main level

21 Interior Elevation: north entry lobby

22 Interior Elevation: south commons

23 Floor Plan: upper level

24 Interior Elevation: classroom

25 Interior Elevation: seminar rooms

26 Floor Plan: lower level

27 Interior Elevation: project rooms


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