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New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914 School Construction Presented by: Sarah Kohl NJSBA Lobbyist.

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Presentation on theme: "New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914 School Construction Presented by: Sarah Kohl NJSBA Lobbyist."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914 School Construction Presented by: Sarah Kohl NJSBA Lobbyist

2 New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914 How it all began… In June 1990, Abbott II established that a “thorough and efficient education requires adequate physical facilities. 7 years later, Abbott IV ordered the NJ Commissioner of Education to study the facility needs in Abbott districts. In 1998, the NJ Supreme Court accepted the Commissioner’s proposal for a state managed and funded facilities program, giving priority to health and safety issues and preschool accommodations.

3 New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914 How It All Began… In 2000, Abbott VII reaffirmed the NJ Supreme Court ruling that the State fund 100% of facilities costs in Abbott districts. Later that year, the Educational Facilities Construction and Financing Act (EFCFA) was enacted.

4 New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914 EFCFA The Educational Facilities Construction and Financing Act authorized $8.6 billion: $6 billion for school construction and renovation in the 30 Abbott districts; $2.6 billion for school construction in non-Abbott districts, of which districts could apply for 40% of their total costs.

5 New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914 Two Years Later… Stagnation: The EFCFA built nothing in first 2 years. In 2002, NJ Governor James McGreevey signed Executive Order No. 24 establishing the School Construction Corporation (SCC), streamlining the process into one agency with a mission to build schools.

6 New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914 Where It All Went South Fall 2004 – SCC announces funding for Abbott school construction will run out in January 2006. 2005 – Acting Governor Richard Codey orders the Inspector General to review SCC, whose report details serious management and financial problems and recommends halting all spending on future projects. Gov. Codey accepts all recommendations.

7 New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914 More Reforms On The Way January 2006: The Inspector General submitted an Update Report on the SCC, detailing that all prior recommendations were either implemented or in the process of implementation. Several new recommendations were added. February 2006: Gov. Corzine has created a special counsel to oversee the SCC and appointed six new members to the SCC Board of Directors.

8 New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914 NJSBA Positions NJSBA supports efforts to restore public confidence in the state’s school construction grant program through accountability and strong oversight of state-managed projects. NJSBA supports stable financing for construction and upgrading of school facilities in New Jersey’s poorest communities, as directed by the NJ Supreme Court. NJSBA supports exploring ways to continue to provide financial support for eligible facility costs in all non-Abbott districts as a means of property tax relief while providing needed facilities.

9 New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914 NJSBA Working For You NJSBA supported legislation creating the School Construction Review Commission. NJSBA participates in a broad coalition of education and business organizations called “Building Our Children’s Future” that is developing recommendations to restore state facilities funding.

10 New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914 How You Can Help Ask Your Legislators 2 Questions: 1.Will you act quickly to resolve the problems of the SCC? 2.Will you support replenishing school construction funds?

11 New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914 Talking Points Addressing the problems of the SCC is vital, because it will ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent efficiently and appropriately, helping restore public confidence in the program. Acting quickly to replenish the EFCFA grant funding is critical as Abbott districts in the state barely have half of their facilities needs met and the longer the state delays, the higher the costs will rise.

12 New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914 Talking Points Acting quickly will also help the non- Abbott districts with bond referendums pending who cannot cover the state’s share of the project costs but still have facilities needs. The lack of school construction funding affects Abbott and non-Abbott districts alike.

13 New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914 Keepin’ It Real Use local examples: “I live in an Abbott district, and based on increased enrollment and crumbling facilities, we estimated the need for ________ projects. To date, only _____ have been completed.” “I live in a non-Abbott district, and our community approved $______ for school construction, however, without the promised 40% from the state, we have not been able to start/complete our project.” “My district does not have any facilities projects at the moment, but will in the future. The restoration of this fund is vital for the future of our district.”

14 New Jersey School Boards Association – Serving Local Boards of Education Since 1914 Follow-up Don’t let the momentum stop after today! Let NJSBA Lobbyists know what your legislators’ said or promised, so they can follow-up too. Educate your board on what you learned today and involve your fellow board members in your efforts. If you promised your legislators additional information to support your discussions, be sure and send it as soon as possible. Send a thank you note to your legislators, summarizing your discussions today.

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