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HOW TO STUDY MATH. Study Math Every Day Even though your math class might only meet twice a week, study math every day. Do the reading first. Then do.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO STUDY MATH. Study Math Every Day Even though your math class might only meet twice a week, study math every day. Do the reading first. Then do."— Presentation transcript:


2 Study Math Every Day Even though your math class might only meet twice a week, study math every day. Do the reading first. Then do the homework. Refresh your memory every day. Repetition and practice are key. Take a small bit of information at a time. Don’t try to learn a lot at one time or remember it without reviewing the information you learned again daily.

3 A special place to study with few distractions Math takes more concentration than other subjects. You need to focus more. You need fewer distractions to study math. Choose a special place to study math. The place should be calm, uncluttered, clean and refreshing to your senses, and not interesting enough to be distracting.

4 Have a special time to study math Choose a time of day when you are at your peak of mental performance. Be awake and focused. Don’t be too full of physical energy, but don’t be tired either. Don’t leave the study of math until right before the next math class. Don’t leave math as your last subject you tackle. It is tempting to do that if you don’t like math, and it makes it a lot harder to learn it. This will cause you to not like it even more! Go over homework right before you go to class and review class notes right after class ends.

5 How many hours a week should I study? You should study math at least twice as many hours during the week as you attend class. (i.e. every hour you’re in class, study 2 hours outside of class) If math is challenging for you, study 3 hours for every hour of class. If you have a learning disability, study for as long as it takes to understand it. You will get there! Most students underestimate how many hours they need to study by half. Be patient. You can do it! You just need to put in the right amount of time. Putting in enough study time for math can be a challenge if you don’t like the subject matter. It must be done. A study buddy or tutor can make it more enjoyable.

6 Is there a correct study technique? Do not turn the page in your math book until you understand 100% of what is described on that page. Only then can you build knowledge and successfully continue on to the next page and have it make sense. Take notes while you read. Write down examples next to the conceptual material. Write a note about anything you don’t understand so you can ask the professor or a classmate.

7 What should I do in math class? Always sit in the first 3 rows in class. Open your book to the section about which the professor is lecturing. TAKE NOTES. WRITE DOWN EVERYTHING THE PROFESSOR WRITES ON THE BOARD, INCLUDING DIAGRAGMS. Write down all the formulas. Highlight them in your book. If you don’t understand something, ask. Get your answer. After class, review your notes and then reward yourself for being engaged intensively in the class.

8 How can I get help? Here is a list of some people who can help you. *Tutoring services: Free once a week per subject and drop-in tutoring as well. *The professor: He or she wants to help you. Just ask questions in class or go to office hours. *Study groups: Don’t forget your fellow students can help you study. You learn and retain more information if you actively contribute to the group. *The smart person in your class: There is always someone for whom math is easy. Connect with this person. Offer a trade – they help you with math, and you help them with something else.

9 How Do I Deal With Math Anxiety?! Did you know nearly 50% of American adults avoid using math whenever possible? Even bankers, lawyers, and accountants have been known to experience math anxiety. Studies show that ALL career paths and populations are affected. You are not alone! Math anxiety is learned and you CAN unlearn it. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will be. You have to spend a lot more time studying math than any other subject. That is OKAY.

10 EMPOWER YOURSELF AND TAKE CONTROL Detach from math stereotypes: You are NOT stupid, incompetent, or lazy. Cultivate a positive attitude: Do not assume that problems and struggles you experienced in the past will predict or influence your current abilities. Ask for help: Use a tutor, work with a study group, or consult your instructor. Find enjoyment: Look for areas of math that you like. Math is within art, music, and games too. Here are some links to have fun with math:

11 More On Empowerment and Control Stay balanced: Make sure that your sleeping and eating habits support your body, and helps you figure all of this out. Try mini-power naps (10-15 minutes) between study sessions. While studying or taking an exam engage in: Deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and positive affirmations that visualize your abilities and success. Get physical: If you are feeling anxious during a study session or exam, use up some of that adrenaline by stretching or doing some jumping jacks. Consult your instructor ahead of time.

12 MATH POSITIVE AFFIRMATION Write a positive affirmation about your relationship with math. Recite it every day or when feeling anxious about math. Put it in your wallet and on your bathroom mirror. Print this page and write it here: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________


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