By Eric Puhl and Logan McBride. Who is he?? He was born in Devonshire, England around 1540-1543. He received some knowledge of basics navigation and seaman-ship.

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1 By Eric Puhl and Logan McBride

2 Who is he?? He was born in Devonshire, England around 1540-1543. He received some knowledge of basics navigation and seaman-ship when he was young and sailed near his home. In 1567 he was made an officer in a larger slave-trading expedition. Drake received command of one of the ships, the Judith, and accompanied his relative to Africa, where they were to dispose of slaves. During the trip, the ships were attacked by Spanish ships without warning. On Drake’s ship and a small other ship were able to return to England. After this incident, he swore to a life to fight against Spain. Between 1570 to 1576, Sir Francis Drake would spend his time raiding different trade routes of the Spanish and the reconnaissance of Spanish territories.

3 Why Did He Do It?? His first voyage he proposed to the queen was to sail through the Straits of Magellan, which no other Englishman had done before. The queen was pleased with his proposal and supplied him with a small fleet of five ships and 160 men. The largest of the ship and the flagship of his fleet was named the Pelican, which was later named the Golden Hind.

4 What was His Route? He went mainly to southernmost South America, to the coast of western North America, and then he traveled through the islands of Indonesia and finally returning to England after going below the tip of Africa. Despite the long route, Sir Francis Drake order two of his five given ships be destroyed to make sure the whole crew does not get separated from one another. The other ships were kept closer together with strong steel cables. He went down the western coast of North America down to South America's Chile, a Spanish-owned nation at the time.

5 How did he Afford it? His voyage was financed as a joint venture; he was funded by various people for his works with them, which eventually added up to being able to set out on the open sea to venture onward. He was mainly Funded by the queen of England, Elizabeth I to explore the different Spanish colonies in the American coast.

6 Why is He so Important? He was the first man from England to Circumnavigate the globe. He was also the first from England to navigate the Straits of Magellan. He also found the charts of Nuna da Silva, and got them to bring him over around to the western coast of America.

7 References Seeler, Oliver. "Luminarium Encyclopedia: Sir Francis Drake (c.1545-1595)." Luminarium Encyclopedia: Sir Francis Drake (c.1545-1595). BBC, n.d. Web. 03 May 2013. "Sir Francis Drake." N.p., 2004. Web. 3 May 2013.. "Sir Francis Drake (English Admiral)." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2013. Web. 03 May 2013.

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