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Strength Resistance to failure. Strength Types 1.Compressive strength 2.Tensile strength 3.Flexural strength 4.Shear strength 5.Torsional strength 6.Bond.

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Presentation on theme: "Strength Resistance to failure. Strength Types 1.Compressive strength 2.Tensile strength 3.Flexural strength 4.Shear strength 5.Torsional strength 6.Bond."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strength Resistance to failure

2 Strength Types 1.Compressive strength 2.Tensile strength 3.Flexural strength 4.Shear strength 5.Torsional strength 6.Bond strength

3 Strength Compressive strength Ϭ c = P/A P= Load A= Area of x-section It is the resistance to failure, when the applied stress is normal / perpendicular to the area of X-section.

4 Strength Tensile strength Ϭ t = P/A It is the resistance to failure, when the applied stress is normal / perpendicular to the area of X-section.

5 Strength Shear strength It is the resistance to failure, when the applied stress is parallel to the area of X-section.

6 Strength Flexural strength Ϭ = My/ I M= Applied moment Y= Distance from NA I= Moment of inertia It is the resistance to failure, when the applied stress is a combination of tensile and compressive stress forming a couple.

7 Strength Torsional strength It is the resistance to failure, when the applied torque tries to twist the body producing torsional stresses.

8 Bond Strength Bond stress=U : Shear stress at steel concrete interface It is the resistance to failure, when the applied stress tries to pull the steel bar out of the concrete. T=A b f s U=change of bar force/surface area of bar Steel bar concrete

9 Bond Strength Pull out test

10 Stiffness Resistance to deformation Depends upon Material Area of X-section, Moment of inertia Length This property is dependent upon material behaviour and geometry of the structural element

11 Stiffness Types 1.Bending/ Flexural stiffness 2.Axial Stiffness Bending stiffness is used for beams etc Axial stiffness for trusses or columns

12 Stiffness Bending Stiffness Material Moment of inertia Length = K EI/L K= depends upon support conditions

13 Stiffness Axial Stiffness Material Area of X-section Length K = EA/L K= depends upon end conditions

14 Elasticity Resistance to deformation Ductility and brittleness Deformation before failure

15 Hardness Resistance to penetration or wear

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