Partnering with the National Weather Service Ron Gird Outreach Program Manager NOAA-National Weather Service Virginia Public Safety Outreach Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Partnering with the National Weather Service Ron Gird Outreach Program Manager NOAA-National Weather Service Virginia Public Safety Outreach Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnering with the National Weather Service Ron Gird Outreach Program Manager NOAA-National Weather Service Virginia Public Safety Outreach Conference November 20, 2003

2 Talk Outline Introduction to the National Weather Service Community Awareness & Preparedness Get to Know Us Summary Introduction to the National Weather Service Community Awareness & Preparedness Get to Know Us Summary

3 What We Do – Our Mission Produce Weather, Water and Climate Forecasts and Warnings –For All Americans –To Protect Life and Property –To Enhance the National Economy Data and Products: –Government Agencies –Private Sector –The Public –Global Communities Weather and data are becoming more important to economy and business decisions Produce Weather, Water and Climate Forecasts and Warnings –For All Americans –To Protect Life and Property –To Enhance the National Economy Data and Products: –Government Agencies –Private Sector –The Public –Global Communities Weather and data are becoming more important to economy and business decisions

4 Who We Are Weather Forecast Office (WFO) Team: Your Community Weather Experts Issues all Local Forecasts & Warnings Builds and Maintains Relationships With Local and State Governments Provides Expert Advice to Emergency Operations Centers Solicits Customer Feedback on Products and Services Conducts Community Awareness and Education Programs Trains Volunteer Observers and Storm Spotters Issues all Local Forecasts & Warnings Builds and Maintains Relationships With Local and State Governments Provides Expert Advice to Emergency Operations Centers Solicits Customer Feedback on Products and Services Conducts Community Awareness and Education Programs Trains Volunteer Observers and Storm Spotters

5 Respond & Feedback How We Do It Distribute Products & Services Local Offices Local Offices Central Guidance Central Guidance Process Observe FeedbackFeedback

6 Where We Are Performance Severe Thunderstorm Warnings Flash Flood Warnings No Flash Flood data prior to 1987 Tornado Warnings Hurricane Path Improvement

7 Where We Are U.S. Drought Monitor

8 Where We Are U.S. Hazards Assessments 2-Week Outlook

9 Community Awareness & Preparedness Users –Public –Emergency Management –Private Sector –Government Agencies –Academia Users –Public –Emergency Management –Private Sector –Government Agencies –Academia Methods –NOAA Weather Radio –NOAAPORT –Weather Wire –Internet –Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN)

10 OCWWS: Help Us – Help You! What is StormReady? StormReady is a “grass roots” program that focuses on improving communication and severe weather preparedness in communities StormReady helps community leaders and emergency managers strengthen local safety programs StormReady prepares communities for severe weather - from tornadoes to tsunamis StormReady provides community leaders and emergency managers with detailed and clear guidance on how to improve their warning and weather preparedness programs StormReady is a “grass roots” program that focuses on improving communication and severe weather preparedness in communities StormReady helps community leaders and emergency managers strengthen local safety programs StormReady prepares communities for severe weather - from tornadoes to tsunamis StormReady provides community leaders and emergency managers with detailed and clear guidance on how to improve their warning and weather preparedness programs

11 StormReady 631 StormReady Sites in 46 states (Sept. 5, 2003) Fairfax County-11/17/03 8 TsunamiReady/StormReady Communities 631 StormReady Sites in 46 states (Sept. 5, 2003) Fairfax County-11/17/03 8 TsunamiReady/StormReady Communities When Seconds Count, StormReady Communities are Prepared

12 How We Do It StormReady Success Story Van Wert, Ohio F4 Tornado - 11/10/02 Data Acquisition & Processing Numerical Modeling Warnings Operations Dissemination Response

13 2003 Lightning Safety Poster Lightning Safety Magnets NOAA PA# 200353 OCWWS: Help Us – Help You!

14 Turn Around – Don’t Drown Slogan/concept developed by Hector Guerrero, WCM-WFO San Angelo Developing National web page and pamphlets for national distribution (Spring 2004) Slogan/concept developed by Hector Guerrero, WCM-WFO San Angelo Developing National web page and pamphlets for national distribution (Spring 2004) OCWWS: Help Us – Help You!

15 A Guide to F-Scale Damage Assessment Recommendation 2 from the La Plata, MD Tornado Service Assessment: Completed April 2003 Copies sent to all WFOs and Regional WCMs as a training tool for PSDA techniques Recommendation 2 from the La Plata, MD Tornado Service Assessment: Completed April 2003 Copies sent to all WFOs and Regional WCMs as a training tool for PSDA techniques OCWWS: Help Us – Help You! PDF version available on WCM Resource Center at:

16 Partnerships Promote Progress National Weather Service partners: –The Weather Channel NWS watches and warnings to 85 million homes Joint Outreach activities –American Meteorological Society Train local teachers in meteorology and oceanography –National Disaster Education Coalition (NDEC) Red Cross-FEMA-USDA-USGS and many other Consistent science and safety message for all hazards National Weather Service partners: –The Weather Channel NWS watches and warnings to 85 million homes Joint Outreach activities –American Meteorological Society Train local teachers in meteorology and oceanography –National Disaster Education Coalition (NDEC) Red Cross-FEMA-USDA-USGS and many other Consistent science and safety message for all hazards

17 NWS: When Seconds Count DVD Produced by “The Weather Channel” as part of their Forecast Earth Series Collaborative effort between NOAA/NWS and The Weather Channel DVD Copies sent to all forecast offices 30 minutes long with three main sections El Nino Flooding in California Tornadoes in the Midwest Tropical Storm Allison Flooding in Texas Produced by “The Weather Channel” as part of their Forecast Earth Series Collaborative effort between NOAA/NWS and The Weather Channel DVD Copies sent to all forecast offices 30 minutes long with three main sections El Nino Flooding in California Tornadoes in the Midwest Tropical Storm Allison Flooding in Texas OCWWS: Help Us – Help You!

18 Citizen Corps July 2003: Statement of Affiliation signed between DHS and NOAA-National Weather Service The local NWS Forecast Office will be the contact for local Citizen Corps groups –Warning Coordination Meteorologist (WCM) July 2003: Statement of Affiliation signed between DHS and NOAA-National Weather Service The local NWS Forecast Office will be the contact for local Citizen Corps groups –Warning Coordination Meteorologist (WCM) OCWWS: Help Us – Help You!

19 Citizen Corps - continued Together DHS and NOAA agree to work to: Raise public awareness about weather hazards and promote public safety Promote formation of local Citizen Corps Councils and assist them in expanding NOAA Weather Radio coverage Provide opportunities for volunteers thru the NWS Coop Observing Program Expand Storm Spotter training at local WFOs Publicly acknowledge the NOAA/Citizen Corps Affiliation thru website links, co-logos on publications etc. Coordinate respective activities to further shared missions Together DHS and NOAA agree to work to: Raise public awareness about weather hazards and promote public safety Promote formation of local Citizen Corps Councils and assist them in expanding NOAA Weather Radio coverage Provide opportunities for volunteers thru the NWS Coop Observing Program Expand Storm Spotter training at local WFOs Publicly acknowledge the NOAA/Citizen Corps Affiliation thru website links, co-logos on publications etc. Coordinate respective activities to further shared missions OCWWS: Help Us – Help You!

20 Overview of NOAA/NWS Homeland Security Program The entire forecast process helps support Homeland Security. Home Land Security Functions: –Detection, Preparedness, Prevention, Protection, Response, and Recovery. NOAA services support most of these functions. The entire forecast process helps support Homeland Security. Home Land Security Functions: –Detection, Preparedness, Prevention, Protection, Response, and Recovery. NOAA services support most of these functions.

21 NWS Role Dispersion Models NWS Numerical Prediction Center –National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Runs HYSPLIT routinely at end of every Eta-12 run. Able to run site-specific HYSPLIT and 4km NMM on request Hosts secure web site Senior Duty Meteorologist (SDM) runs HYSPLIT and refers federal agencies to WFO NWS Numerical Prediction Center –National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Runs HYSPLIT routinely at end of every Eta-12 run. Able to run site-specific HYSPLIT and 4km NMM on request Hosts secure web site Senior Duty Meteorologist (SDM) runs HYSPLIT and refers federal agencies to WFO

22 NWS Role Local Forecast Office Best source of local/regional weather, water, and climate info 24/7 Expert knowledge of local terrain, land use, and climatological influences Existing linkages to local/regional First Responders, EMs, and media NWR and EAS provide emergency dissemination to much of the public On-site support to EOC’s Special products such as GIS mapping and web links Best source of local/regional weather, water, and climate info 24/7 Expert knowledge of local terrain, land use, and climatological influences Existing linkages to local/regional First Responders, EMs, and media NWR and EAS provide emergency dissemination to much of the public On-site support to EOC’s Special products such as GIS mapping and web links

23 What to do When the Call Comes In MOST local incidents will be responded to by local FR’s and EM’s In those cases, they will contact the WFO directly Incidents involving Nuclear Reg. Commission (NRC) or other Feds will contact SDM who will send them to appropriate WFO WFO should obtain appropriate information such as location, size and/or height of release, what weather information is requested, & who/how to provide outputs Call the NCEP SDM (301) 763-8298 MOST local incidents will be responded to by local FR’s and EM’s In those cases, they will contact the WFO directly Incidents involving Nuclear Reg. Commission (NRC) or other Feds will contact SDM who will send them to appropriate WFO WFO should obtain appropriate information such as location, size and/or height of release, what weather information is requested, & who/how to provide outputs Call the NCEP SDM (301) 763-8298

24 What to do When the Call Comes In (continued) SDM will submit the HYSPLIT model job which should run and post to the secure web site within 10-15 mins After 10-15 minutes, WFO forecaster should check the web site and download the appropriate HYSPLIT files when available. WFOs with GIS expertise may be asked to re-map the model output to meet user’s needs Provide model output and any additional weather information to requestor as agreed upon above (fax, e- mail attach., FTP, web link, etc). Continue to provide information as long as needed SDM will submit the HYSPLIT model job which should run and post to the secure web site within 10-15 mins After 10-15 minutes, WFO forecaster should check the web site and download the appropriate HYSPLIT files when available. WFOs with GIS expertise may be asked to re-map the model output to meet user’s needs Provide model output and any additional weather information to requestor as agreed upon above (fax, e- mail attach., FTP, web link, etc). Continue to provide information as long as needed

25 Information Requested by FR’s and EM’s Hourly Weather Roundup (HRR) Representative METAR & Mesonet obs (including AWS, PORTS, etc.) within 50 miles Upper-Air Data: Soundings and aircraft data Spot Forecast out 12h to several days Detailed zone or sub-zone forecast with local terrain effects including sea and valley breezes Stability/Mixing and Transport Forecasts Additional HYSPLIT runs Hourly Weather Roundup (HRR) Representative METAR & Mesonet obs (including AWS, PORTS, etc.) within 50 miles Upper-Air Data: Soundings and aircraft data Spot Forecast out 12h to several days Detailed zone or sub-zone forecast with local terrain effects including sea and valley breezes Stability/Mixing and Transport Forecasts Additional HYSPLIT runs

26 Dispersion Model Web Resources ARL READY Site: ARL HYSPLIT Info: Smoke Product: COMET Dispersion COMET HYSPLIT: NWSI 10-518: ARL READY Site: ARL HYSPLIT Info: Smoke Product: COMET Dispersion COMET HYSPLIT: NWSI 10-518:

27 NOAA Weather Radio AMBER Alerts AMBER alerts, may be relayed over NWR by the NWS at the request of local and/or state officials. We do not not initiate the contact nor the message. Some local and state EAS plans and local agreements with NWS offices include provisions for AMBER alerts, using the currently available "CEM“ EAS event code. AMBER alerts, may be relayed over NWR by the NWS at the request of local and/or state officials. We do not not initiate the contact nor the message. Some local and state EAS plans and local agreements with NWS offices include provisions for AMBER alerts, using the currently available "CEM“ EAS event code.

28 NOAA Weather Radio AMBER Alerts The FCC has adopted the Child Abduction Emergency (CAE) event code. WFOs can now use CAE to transmit AMBER Alerts over NWR. All Hazards Emergency Message Web Page – The FCC has adopted the Child Abduction Emergency (CAE) event code. WFOs can now use CAE to transmit AMBER Alerts over NWR. All Hazards Emergency Message Web Page –

29 Get to Know Us

30 Zip code


32 Local NWS Warning Coordination Meteorologists (WCM)

33 Where We’re Going Longer Range Hurricane Forecast

34 Where We’re Going Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service AHPS Base and Energy Expansion Areas Areas Completed Through FY 2002 Areas Covered by FY 2003 National AHPS (110 New Forecast Points) Areas Covered by FY 2003 Energy Initiative (56 New Forecast Points) Sacramento (CNRFC) Taunton (NERFC) AHPS Probability of Flooding Prediction

35 Summary NOAA-NWS are pleased to join DHS Citizen Corps Affiliate Program NWS local forecast offices are already providing support to local CC Councils NWS will establish consistent local support nation wide NOAA-NWS are pleased to join DHS Citizen Corps Affiliate Program NWS local forecast offices are already providing support to local CC Councils NWS will establish consistent local support nation wide

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