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Chapter 3.3 Duties & Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3.3 Duties & Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3.3 Duties & Responsibilities of U.S. Citizens

2 What are the duties of American citizens? Duties – actions we are required to perform Set by laws Subject to penalities under the law –Fines, prison Responsibilities – the things we should do Obligations we meet of our own free will

3 Duties of Citizenship Obey Laws –Federal and state Pay Taxes –Provides $$ to keep the government running –Local, state, and federal –Military defense –Examples include income tax, property tax, and state taxes on goods purchased

4 Serve in Court –Defined by the U.S. Constitution –Right to a trial by jury A jury is a group of citizens who hear evidence in a case and decide whether or not the accused is guilty –Citizens have the duty to serve as witnesses if called to do so Attend school –Government provides free public education –Children 7-16 years of age must attend school

5 National Defense Selective Service System (SSS) –Males citizens ages 18-25 must register –Government may draft men from the list to support war or national emergency –Last draft was in 1973 in support of the Vietnam War

6 U.S. Armed Forces

7 U.S. Military Tribute - We Are One

8 Responsibilities of Citizens Be an informed an active citizen –State legislature, school board, town council –Support causes, voice your concerns –Study candidates, know the issues Respect the rights of others –Tolerance – respecting and accepting others Contribute to the common good –Community efforts

9 Being Involved How can citizens make their community a better place to live? Donating time and money Volunteerism – giving your time to work in the community The spirit of volunteerism More than 1 million charities in the U.S. National service programs Peace Corps, Learn and Serve America AmeriCorps, Senior Corps

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