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On Chip Bus National Taiwan University

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1 On Chip Bus National Taiwan University
Speaker: 沈文中 National Taiwan University Adopted from National Taiwan University SOC Course Material

2 Outline AMBA Bus IP Design flow FPGA design flow Advanced System Bus
Advanced High-performance Bus Advanced Peripheral Bus IP Design flow FPGA design flow

3 Bus Architecture

4 Outline AMBA Bus IP Design flow FPGA design flow Advanced System Bus
High performance Pipelined operation Multiple bus master Advanced High-performance Bus Advanced Peripheral Bus IP Design flow FPGA design flow

5 ASB characters Negative edge trigger Tri-state bus
Drawback: More effort used to control timing Advantage: cost less area

6 Outline AMBA Bus IP Design flow FPGA design flow Advanced System Bus
Advanced High-performance Bus High performance Pipelined operation Multiple bus master Burst transfers Split transactions Advanced Peripheral Bus IP Design flow FPGA design flow

7 AHB simple Arch.

8 AHB Components AHB Components
AHB master is able to initiate read and write operations by providing an address and control information. Only one bus master is allowed to actively use the bus at any one time.(max. 16) AHB slave responds to a read or write operation within a given address-space range. The bus slave signals back to the active master the success, failure or waiting of the data transfer.

9 AHB Components(ii) AHB Components
AHB arbiter ensures that only one bus master at a time is allowed to initiate data transfers. AHB decoder is used to decode the address of each transfer and provide a select signal for the slave that is involved in the transfer. A single centralized decoder is required in all AHB implementations.

10 AHB Signals(i) AHB Signals can be classified as Clock (HCLK)
Address and read/write data (HADDR, HRDATA, HWDATA) Arbitration (HGRANTx, HMASTER, HMASTLOCK,…) Control signal (HRESETn,…) Response signal(HREADY, HRESP)

11 AHB Signals(ii) Transfer signals HCLK HADDR[31:0] HWDATA/HRDATA [31:0]
bus clock. All signal timings are related to the rising edge. HADDR[31:0] 32 bits system bus HWDATA/HRDATA [31:0] 32 bits write/read data bus HWRITE High: write data Low: read data HREADY Transfer done

12 AHB Signals(ii) Basic Transfer
Each transfer consists of An address and control cycle One or more cycles for the data

13 AHB Arch.

14 AHB Signals(iii) Control signals HTRANS[1:0] HBURST[2:0] HSIZE[2:0]
Current transfer type HBURST[2:0] When sequential transfer, control transfer relation HSIZE[2:0] Control transfer size=2^HSIZE bytes(max=1024bits) HPROT[3:0] Protection data

15 AHB Signals(iii)-HTRANS
IDLE: master don’t need data to be transfered BUSY: allows bus masters to insert IDLE cycles in the middle of bursts of transfers. NONSEQ: The address and control signals are unrelated to the previous transfer. SEQ: the address is related to the previous transfer.

16 AHB Signals(iii)-HBURST

17 AHB Signals(iii)-HBURST

18 AHB Signals(iv) Response signals HREADY HRESP[1:0]
Transfer done, ready for next transfer HRESP[1:0] OKAY transfer complete ERROR transfer failure(ex: write ROM) RETRY higher priority master can access bus SPLIT other master can access bus

19 AHB Signals(v) Arbiter signals HGRANTx HMASTER[3:0] HMASTLOCK
Select active bus master HMASTER[3:0] Multiplex signals that sent from master to slave HMASTLOCK Locked sequence

20 Master signal

21 Arbiter signal

22 Slave signal

23 Outline AMBA Bus IP Design flow FPGA design flow Advanced System Bus
Advanced High-performance Bus Advanced Peripheral Bus Low power Latched address and control Simple interface Suitable for many peripherals IP Design flow FPGA design flow

24 APB state diagram

25 APB signals APB character APB signals Always two cycle transfer
No wait cycle and response signal APB signals PCLK Bus clock,rising edge is used to time all transfers. PRESETn APB reset。active Low.

26 APB signals PADDR[31:0] APB address bus.
PSELx Indicates that the slave device is selected. There is a PSELx signal for each slave. PENABLE Indicates the second cycle of an APB transfer. PWRITE Transfer direction. High for write access, Low for read access. PRDATA Read data bus PWDATA Write data bus

27 Outline AMBA Bus IP Design flow FPGA design flow Advanced System Bus
Advanced High-performance Bus Advanced Peripheral Bus IP Design flow Memory definition IP design-SW IP design-HW FPGA design flow

28 Memory definition Self-designed IP can be located in the Bus error response area Defined in AHBDecoder.v

29 AMBA IP design (1/4) Add an IP (MYIP) into the system which includes
a ZBT SSRAM controller an AHB to APB bridge an APB register peripheral an APB interrupt controller an address decoder Slave #1 Slave #2 Logic Module MYIP Slave #3 AHB APB

30 AMBA IP design (2/4) Supplied HDL file AHBAHBTop.v AHBDecoder.v
AHBMuxS2M.v AHBZBTRAM.v AHB2APB.v AHBAPBSys.v APBIntCon.v APBRegs.v Slave #2 Slave #1 Slave #3

31 AMBA IP design (3/4) Bus Interconnection Logic Module Slave #1
HSEL HADDR HWDATA HRDATA Decoder Slave #1 Slave #2 Slave #3 Logic Module Mux Master #1 Master #2 Arbiter

32 AMBA IP design (4/4) Software part Hardware part
Write a function to control hardware Delay number of clocks by NOOP (asm) instruction Hardware part Design your own IP module MYIP.v Change AHBDecoder.v Change AHBMuxS2M.v Change AHBAHBTop.v to include MYIP into top module

33 IP design-HW (1/4) Design your own IP module MYIP.v MYIP.v

34 IP design-HW (2/4) Change AHBDecoder.v
Add HSELMYIP signal to select MYIP to response Address are defined in decoder HSEL HADDR HWDATA HRDATA Decoder HADDR to all slaves Slave #1 Slave #2 MYIP Logic Module Master #1 Master #2 Mux HADDR_M1[31:0] HADDR_M2[31:0] HSEL_S1 HSEL_S2 HSELMYIP Address and control mux

35 IP design-HW (3/4) Change AHBMuxS2M.v
Use Mux to select slave which can use HRDATA HSEL HADDR HWDATA HRDATA Decoder Slave #1 Slave #2 MYIP Logic Module Mux Master

36 IP design-HW (4/4) Change AHBAHBTop.v Add your module in AMBA bus
Connect the above net connection HSEL HADDR HWDATA HRDATA Decoder Slave #1 Slave #2 MYIP Logic Module Mux

AHB2APB sel APBIntCon APBregs AHBAPBsys addr

38 Files Description of Example
Hardware files .\Lab6\Codes\HW\Verilog\ AHBAHBTop.v AHBDecoder.v AHBMuxS2M.v AHBZBTRAM.v AHB2APB.v AHBAPBSys.v APBIntCon.v APBRegs.v MYIP.v Software program files .\Lab6\Codes\SW\ sw.mcp register.c platform.h rw_support.s For FPGA synthesis tool to generate bitstream For CodeWarrior to generate sw.axf

39 Hardware file MYIP.v MYIP.v
A simple IP template with 8 32-bit registers wrapped with simple AHB slave interface This file is modified from AHBZBTRAM.v HSEL HADDR HWDATA HRDATA HCKL HRESETn HREADYIn HTRANS HSIZE HWRITE HREADYOut HRESP MYIP circuit AHB Slave Interface READ WRITE IDLE

40 Outline AMBA Bus IP Design flow FPGA design flow Advanced System Bus
Advanced High-performance Bus Advanced Peripheral Bus IP Design flow FPGA design flow Compile flow & Download flow (Xilinx) Compile flow & Download flow (Altera)

41 Compile flow (1/2) (Xilinx)
All Verilog module must be synthesized by Xilinx Software

42 Compile flow (2/2) (Xilinx)
Add register.ucf (define the pin assignment) into project Double click generate programming file to generate *.bit (which can be downloaded into FPGA)

43 Download flow (Xilinx)
Connect config link Connect Multi-ICE to Logic Module Power on Use progcards.exe to download register.bit file Remove config link Power off

44 Outline AMBA Bus IP Design flow FPGA design flow Advanced System Bus
Advanced High-performance Bus Advanced Peripheral Bus IP Design flow FPGA design flow Compile flow & Download flow (Xilinx) Compile flow & Download flow (Altera)

45 Compile flow (1/2) (Altera)
All Verilog module must be synthesized by Altera Software (Quartus II)

46 Compile flow (2/2) (Altera)
Modify Pinout.csf into ahbahbtop.csf to define the pin assignment Push the Compile bottom to generate *.rbf (which can be downloaded into FPGA)

47 Download flow (Altera)
Use the text-editor to produce a .brd file (configuration file for progcards.exe) Power off Connect Multi-ICE to Logic Module Set the LM in Config Mode Power on Auto-config again in the MultiICE Server program Use progcards.exe to download bitstream

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