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1. Ephesus 2. Smyrna 3. Pergamos 4. Thyatira 5. Sardis 6. Philadelphia 7. Laodicea Letters To The 7 Churches of Asia (Rev. 2-3)

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Presentation on theme: "1. Ephesus 2. Smyrna 3. Pergamos 4. Thyatira 5. Sardis 6. Philadelphia 7. Laodicea Letters To The 7 Churches of Asia (Rev. 2-3)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Ephesus 2. Smyrna 3. Pergamos 4. Thyatira 5. Sardis 6. Philadelphia 7. Laodicea Letters To The 7 Churches of Asia (Rev. 2-3)

2 Letters To The Seven Churches of Asia (Rev. 2-3) Some were good (Smyrna, Philadelphia) Some were good / bad (Ephesus, Pergomas, Thyatira, Sardis) One was bad (Laodicea)

3 Letters To Seven Church of Asia (Rev. 2-3) Good Good/ Bad Good/ Bad Good/ Bad Good/ Bad Most of us would like to be in GOOD church (no condemnation) None of us would have anything to do with a BAD church (no commendation) Reality: may be in a church that is GOOD / BAD (Some commendation & Some condemnation)

4 A Church Left Its First Love – Ephesus Revelation 2:1-7 A Church Under Pressure – Smyrna Revelation 2:8-11 A Church That Compromised – Pergamum Revelation 2:12-17 A Tolerant Church – Thyatira Revelation 2:18-29 A Dead Church – Sardis Revelation 3:1-6 A Faithful Church – Philadelphia Revelation 3:7-13

5 The Church At Laodicea (Rev. 3:14-22) Get a letter – You are sickening! You disgust Me! You make Me want to vomit! A Church That was Lukewarm

6 40 Miles SE from Philadelphia City that was rich. So rich needed no help to rebuild after mostly destroyed by earthquake in 60 AD Main commercial city of the region Easy target for lethargy & self-satisfied complacency

7 Commercial Background 3 Main Businesses 1.Banking center for the region (riches) 2.Black wool market (fine garments) 3.Ointment for eyes (good vision) True Wealth True RaimentTrue Vision

8 Rev 3:14-22 14 "And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write, 'These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: 15 "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. 17 Because you say, 'I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing'--and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked--

9 18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. 21 To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.

10 22 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

11 Letters To Seven Church of Asia (Rev. 2-3) Good Good/ Bad Good/ Bad Good/ Bad Good/ Bad The Only One of the 7 that is All Bad!

12 Laodicea - A Lukewarm Church Rev. 3:14-22 1. The Problem (v. 15-16)

13 A. Indifferent – Apathetic, lacking in diligence 1. The Problem (v. 15-16) Lukewarm

14 A. Indifferent – Apathetic, lacking in diligence B. Like own water supply 1. One of the weaknesses of the city – lacked adequate water supply. 2. “The mineral deposits in the remains of its aqueduct system lend evidence to the theory that its water came from the hot springs to the south. 3. The water would have been lukewarm, even after flowing several miles. In contrast, only a few miles away, Colossae had a good supply of refreshing cold water” (Hemer) 1. The Problem (v. 15-16) Lukewarm

15 A. Indifferent – Apathetic, lacking in diligence B. Like own water supply C. Knowledge without zeal 1. Opposite of the Jews (Rom. 10:2) 2. Conviction of the truth – but no zeal or enthusiasm 3. Uncommitted and Uninvolved Lukewarm

16 1. The Problem (v. 15-16) A. Indifferent – Apathetic, lacking in diligence B. Like own water supply C. Knowledge without zeal D. Neither cold nor hot 1. Hot = diligent, zealous 2. Cold = totally against what is right - Knows his abject poverty - Honest – no disguise or pretense Lukewarm

17 1. The Problem (v. 15-16) A. Indifferent – Apathetic, lacking in diligence B. Like own water supply C. Knowledge without zeal D. Neither cold nor hot E. Hard to deal with 1. One who is cold – is more apt to change 2. Lukewarm does not see any need to change (v. 17) Lukewarm

18 Laodicea - A Lukewarm Church Rev. 3:14-22 1. The Problem (v. 15-16) 2. The Reason (v. 17)

19 A. False Sense of Security 1. “Have need of nothing” (v. 17) 2. Reasoned they were self-sufficient since they are rich 3. Doing quite well – so not concerned about the spiritual Don’t See Self As They Are

20 2. The Reason (v. 17) A. False Sense of Security B. “You say” (v. 17) 1. In their own eyes thought they were strong. 2. Like many Christians who do just enough to keep their names on a “church roll” they would have been insulted had anyone else accused them of being lukewarm and unpleasing before the Lord. (Harkrider) Don’t See Self As They Are

21 2. The Reason (v. 17) A. False Sense of Security B. “You say” (v. 17) C. Don’t See Their Real Condition 1. Wretched – Deplorable State 2. Miserable – To be pitied 3. Poor – Do have need 4. Blind – Can’t see 5. Naked – Lacking so much Don’t See Self As They Are OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY THOUHT

22 2. The Reason (v. 17) A. False Sense of Security B. “You say” (v. 17) C. Don’t See Their Real Condition D. Calloused 1. Heb. 6:4-6 2. Possible to allow the Word to become meaningless. Don’t See Self As They Are

23 Laodicea - A Lukewarm Church Rev. 3:14-22 1. The Problem (v. 15-16) 2. The Reason (v. 17) 3. The Reaction (v. 16, 19, 20)

24 Jesus is Greatly Displeased A. Spew them out (v. 16) 1. “spit or vomit” 2. You make Me sick 3. Jesus is disgusted with indifference 4. Utter rejection of them Lord’s view of: carelessness, indifference, slothfulness, etc.

25 3. The Reaction (v. 16, 19, 20) Jesus is Greatly Displeased A. Spew them out (v. 16) B. Rebukes & Chastens (v. 19) 1. Because of His Love 2. Disciplines as a Father would a child

26 3. The Reaction (v. 16, 19, 20) Jesus is Greatly Displeased A. Spew them out (v. 16) B. Rebukes & Chastens (v. 19) C. Knocks & Pleads (v. 20) 1. Desires to come into your dwelling 2. Not force Himself – waiting for admission

27 Laodicea - A Lukewarm Church Rev. 3:14-22 1. The Problem (v. 15-16) 2. The Reason (v. 17) 3. The Reaction (v. 16, 19, 20) 4. The Answer (v. 18-19)

28 Repent A. Buy From Me (v. 18) 1. Gold – so that they will be rich 2. White garment – so they would be clothed 3. Salve – so that might see 4. Buy = do what you have to do to attain…

29 Repent A. Buy From Me (v. 18) B. Be Zealous (v. 19) 1. Hot – not lukewarm 2. Since it is a command – do it! 3. Col. 3:23 4. The Answer (v. 18-19)

30 Repent A. Buy From Me (v. 18) B. Be Zealous (v. 19) C. Repent (v. 19) 1. Change your mind 2. Then change your life 4. The Answer (v. 18-19)

31 1-1 Father God, Just For Today Father God414

32 1-2 Father God, Just For Today Father God414

33 1c-1 Father God, Just For Today Father God414

34 1c-2 Father God, Just For Today Father God414

35 GOD’S SIMPLE PLAN FOR SALVATION hear believe repent confess baptism ACTS 3:22 JN. 8:24 LK. 13:3 JN. 12:42 Acts 2:38 Rev. 2:10

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