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Banking Products by Amey Aras Deepesh Dhake Hatem Murad Nirav Hamlai

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1 Banking Products by Amey Aras Deepesh Dhake Hatem Murad Nirav Hamlai

2 BUSINESS NEEDS Understanding the needs and requirements of each customers Tracking the product and branch for profitability Providing reports to help the bank understand consumer and market trends to increase profitability

3 Objective Decision of providing the credit card service to the Customer Most profitable Customer Decision of providing the loan to the Customer depending on the account balances. Most profitable Branch

4 WHY DATAWAREHOUSE? The idea of data warehouse is helpful
Data warehouse allow us to capture data from various locations of various customers and then to store it Data warehouse allows high level management to have access to the Online Analytical Processing functions that will help to perform customer, product and branch analysis Data warehouse generates various reports related to customers and branch

5 Checking_Acc_Balance
Star Schema Customer Cust_Id(PK) First_Name Last_Name Cust_City Cust_State Birth_Date Maritial_Status Product Product_Id(PK) Product_Type Product_Name Bank_Fact Cust_ID(FK) Branch_ID(FK) Product_ID(FK) Time_ID(FK) Loan_Amount Interest_Rate Profit_Loan Saving_Acc_Balance Checking_Acc_Balance Credit_Card_Balance Branch Branch_ID(PK) Branch_Name Branch_Street Branch_City Branch_State Postal_Code Time Time_ID(PK) Dates Day Months Years

6 Customer Business Dimension

7 Product Business Dimension

8 Branch Business Dimension

9 Time Business Dimension

10 Bank Fact Table

11 Cube Implementation in SQL Server

12 Credit Card and Loan Approval

13 Most Profitable Customer

14 Most Profitable Branch

15 Conclusion There are no employees whose checking account balance went negative Credit card service is offered to “Sahil Gandhi” Most profitable customer is “Nikhil Dabholkar” Most profitable branch is “New Jersey” branch


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