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Jerzy Jendrośka Implementing the Aarhus Convention’s provisions in national legislation and practice: experience of countries of the UNECE region in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Jerzy Jendrośka Implementing the Aarhus Convention’s provisions in national legislation and practice: experience of countries of the UNECE region in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jerzy Jendrośka Implementing the Aarhus Convention’s provisions in national legislation and practice: experience of countries of the UNECE region in the light of „0”draft LAC Agreement Perspectives for implementing the Principle X regional instrument in the LAC region Santiago, 5 May 2015 Jerzy Jendrośka1

2 Content Approaches to codifying Principle X Definition of the „ directly affected public” Non-discrimination principle Access to Information Public Participation Access to Justice Jerzy Jendrośka2

3 Approaches to codifying Principle X Transparency, participation and rule of law as values – approach of European governments Transparency, participation and rule of law as instruments for enhancing – Stability – Effective environmental protection Jerzy Jendrośka3

4 Directly affected public Definition of the public and its derivatives Draft text – “Directly affected public” means public affected or potentially affected by decisions with environmental impacts. Aarhus Convention – “The public concerned” means the public affected or likely to be affected by, or having an interest in, the environmental decision-making; for the purposes of this definition, non-governmental organizations promoting environmental protection and meeting any requirements under national law shall be deemed to have an interest Jerzy Jendrośka4

5 Directly affected public Problems with „directly” „Affected or likely to be affected”” – objective notion related to impact – From routine activity – In case of accidents „Interested” – approaches Practical consequences – effective notification Jerzy Jendrośka5

6 Access to information Obligation to posses information relevant to the functions Exemptions – „Relate to” vs „adversaly affect” in Aarhus – „affect” in art.6. 6 of the draft text - ? Time-frames – „30 business days” in art.6.12 of the draft text vs „one month” – Standard of „two weeks”in most general FOI acts in Europe Jerzy Jendrośka6

7 Public participation Approach to activities covered – concept of tiering and obligation for „early participation when all options are open” Stages of the participation procedure – Notification of the public – Making available all relevant information – Possibility to submit any comments – Taking due account of comments – Informing the public of the decision Jerzy Jendrośka7

8 Notification of the public Obligation that the public is infomed „in an adequate, timely and efective manner” – no equivalent in draft text! „Effective” – need to reach all potentially affected (Internat vs customary means) Notification vs information relevant to decision- making (art. 8.3 and 8.17 of teh draft text) – Active vs pasive obligation – Content Jerzy Jendrośka8

9 Access to justice Problems with standing – Traditional approach to grant standing only those with legal interests – Criteria for NGOs Scope of review Costs Jerzy Jendrośka9

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