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What is the weather like? Для учащихся 6 класса

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Presentation on theme: "What is the weather like? Для учащихся 6 класса"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the weather like? Для учащихся 6 класса
Подготовила учитель английского языка Новикова Н.Г. (КГБ СКОУ СКШИ 3,4 вида №2) Г.Хабаровск

2 Spring Foggy Wet Windy Sunny

3 Summer Rainy Sunny Hot Dry

4 Autumn Rainy Wet Windy Stormy

5 Winter Frosty Cold Snowy Windy

6 What temperature is it now?
It is sometimes 30 above zero (выше ноля) It is often 10 below zero (ниже ноля)

7 What do you like and dislike about the weather?
I like/dislike when the weather is rainy sunny hot dry

8 How do you feel in different weather?
I am hot freezing cold

9 What is the weather like in Britain?
I think in Britain spring is the weather is it there is

10 I think the British like/dislike
When it is sunny warm rainy foggy

11 The weather in Khabarovsk region
In spring In winter In summer In autumn

12 Our activities in warm time
Playing sport games Riding a bike Walking Swimming Sunbathing

13 Our activities in cold time
Skiing Skating Wearing warm clothes Making a snowman Enjoying Christmas time

14 Let’s describe the weather
Picture 1 Picture2

15 Project Your Term Task Divide into four groups, one for each season and make Spring, Summer , Autumn, Winter Tourist Guides In each group choose a season and a region you want to describe Draw the weather tree to show the usual weather for the region you are describing and illustrate your Guides

16 Используемые материалы
 Слайд №2 Слайд №3,14

17 Используемые материалы
Слайд№4 Слайд №5

18 Используемые материалы
Слайд №6 Слайд №11 Слайд №12  Слайд №13 

19 Слайд №14  слайд №14

20 Презентация подготовлена по материалам учебника Кузовлева В.П.
«Английский язык» 6 класс М.: Просвещение, 2010

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