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Welcome Back Parents and Students! OFHS PTSA Meeting August 27, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back Parents and Students! OFHS PTSA Meeting August 27, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back Parents and Students! OFHS PTSA Meeting August 27, 2009

2 Agenda  Welcome - Carol Moore, Principal  SAC election info – Rhea Oremland  PTSA – Debi Klein  Business  Activities  School Updates – Dan Evans

3 What PTSA is about  Parent Teacher Student Association  Help parents, teachers, students, and community members work together toward the common goal of turning our students into well educated, self-fulfilled individuals  We raise funds to help meet additional needs that budgets don’t cover for the school, student incentives, senior scholarships, etc.  Offer monthly programs to parents and students

4 What PTSA is about “Any program that makes a difference in the life of a single child is a success” --Charles Derexson --Charles Derexson

5 What PTSA is about  Child Advocacy  PTA – Powerful Tenacious Advocates  Supporting and speaking up for children – in schools, communities, and before legislative bodies that make decisions affecting children  Provide tools for parents  Child trafficking  Energy drinks

6 2008-2009 PTSA Accomplishments  Direct Donations – automatic electronic defibrillator, student incentives, FCAT testing supplies  3 $500 senior scholarships through the Pinellas Education Foundation  $2000 in mini grants to several teachers  Monthly programs – college/career night, FCAT, curriculum fair, teen health and safety (including safe driving), 2 nd Semester Open House, internet safety, and others  Spirit Night and Homecoming Pre-Game Family Dinner  Reflections program – 6 county level winners, 2 state awards of merit  First Annual Silent Auction  Florida PTA Promoting Physical Fitness and Healthy Activities Award (including $500)  Pinellas County Council PTA Outstanding Program of the Year  Pinellas County Council PTA Website Award  Florida PTA President’s Program Award

7 General Business – 2009/2010 Board  Executive Committee  President – Debi Klein  VP Leadership – Lisa Cortez  VP of Education – Terry Shimko  VP Membership – Celeste O’Neill  Secretary – Michelle Kosior  Treasurer – Mea Basso (to be elected in)  Executive Board Chairs  Hospitality – Helle Hartley  Volunteer Coordinator – Kenny Krauss  Students  Open – 12 th grade  Open – 11 th grade  Courtney Clifton – 10 th grade  Sydnee Robinson – 9 th grade  Samantha Hauser – 9 th grade

8 Current PTSA Activities  Welcome Back Breakfast for faculty  Thanks to Helle Hartley for coordinating  Thanks to those who contributed time, money, or food  Spirit Wear Apparel  $$$ Direct Donation Program $$$  Teacher mini-grants  Parking Lot Project  Selling spaces during lunch Friday, the 29 th, and paint days  Paint days scheduled for after school, 29 th and 9am to noon on the 30th  Backpack, school supplies, basic items

9 Parent/Community Thanks  Mr. Wiser in his leadership with Brighthouse for the record boards in gym  Anonymous parent for their extremely generous gift of the sound system for the gym

10 General Business  Annual Report for 2008-2009  Financial Audit for 2008-2009  Approve Budget for 2009/2010  Membership  525 members  3 departments 100% membership Business dept ScienceGuidance  Have you joined yet

11 Membership  Largest volunteer child advocacy association in the nation  Parent involvement increases students success  Supports the National and State PTA  Local business discounts

12 Upcoming PTSA Activities  Spirit Night  What is Spirit Week / Night  This is co-coordinated with the school  Will take place, Wed. Oct. 14 th  Volunteers for setup, concessions, activities, cleanup


14 Upcoming PTSA Activities  Homecoming Pre-Game Family Dinner  Will take place Oct. 15 th before the Homecoming game  Volunteers for selling tickets, setup, cleanup  Reflections – “Beauty is...”

15 Upcoming PTSA Meetings  September 24 th  Drug, alcohol, tobacco, and energy drinks  October 29 th  College, Career, Financial Aid, Scholarship  November 19 th  Teen Health and Safety – internet safety, safe driving, healthy eating and nutrition

16 Volunteer Opportunities  Selling Spirit Wear  Before and after PTSA meetings  During lunches on designated days  Auction Committee  Start planning  Donations of items to bid on  Remember you must be a registered volunteer  Check Events/Activities form or website  A Chair for Parking Lot Project

17 Contact Information  If you would like to volunteer for any of these or other needs at the school contact Michelle Shepard, Community and Family Liaison  Debi Klein, President –  Website – or go to the About Us section on the school website and select PTSA

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