By: Hayden Emerson Hour 6. Formation of Buddhism Buddhism was developed in India around the 6th century B.C.E. The religion is based on the teachings.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Hayden Emerson Hour 6. Formation of Buddhism Buddhism was developed in India around the 6th century B.C.E. The religion is based on the teachings."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Hayden Emerson Hour 6

2 Formation of Buddhism Buddhism was developed in India around the 6th century B.C.E. The religion is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, also known as Buddha or the Enlightened One.

3 Religious Symbols One of the most important symbols in the Buddhist religion is The Wheel of Law. One of the most important symbols in the Buddhist religion is The Wheel of Law. –The wheel includes eight spokes that represent the Eightfold Path. –The Eightfold Path is a series of steps that describe the way to end suffering. Steps of the Eightfold Path Right view Right intention Right speech Right action Right livelihood Right effort Right mindfulness Right concentration bols/dharmachakra-200jpg

4 God and Life After Death Buddhists believe that there is not a personal god. Buddhists believe that there is not a personal god. A common misconception is that Buddha is a god, this is not true. Buddha is a leader that shows followers the way to Nirvana, but it is up to the individual to make it there themselves. A common misconception is that Buddha is a god, this is not true. Buddha is a leader that shows followers the way to Nirvana, but it is up to the individual to make it there themselves. After death, the spirit of the deceased person goes through a 49 day, three-stage ritual called bardos. At the end of bardos, the person makes it to Nirvana, or goes back to earth for re-birth. Nirvana means liberation, and it frees an individual from the suffering that happens in life.

5 Morals, Sin, Suffering, and Harmony There are ten main morals that Buddhists abide by, they include: –N–N–N–No killing (including animals) –N–N–N–No illegal sexual relations –N–N–N–No stealing –N–N–N–No drugs/alcohol –N–N–N–No wrong speech –D–D–D–Don’t eat when it is not needed –N–N–N–No singing, music, or dancing –N–N–N–No perfumes or garlands –N–N–N–No high seats –N–N–N–No accepting gold or silver Sin does not play a role in the Buddhist religion. Sin does not play a role in the Buddhist religion. Balanced and happy living leads to harmony with others. Balanced and happy living leads to harmony with others. Suffering is a part of life because human nature, along with the world, is not perfect. Suffering is a part of life because human nature, along with the world, is not perfect. Creation of the World and Interesting Facts Buddhists believe that the world was not created by one single being, but rather the creation of the world is a work in progress. Things in this universe are constantly changing and will always be changing, so the creation of the world is a never- ending process. Interesting Facts Buddhism consists of four noble truths, these include: Buddhism consists of four noble truths, these include: –Life means suffering –The origin of suffering is attachment –The cessation of suffering is attainable –The path to the cessation of suffering Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, died at age 80 Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, died at age 80 –Ate rotten food and died of food poisoning Buddha’s final words were, “All compounded things are ephemeral; work diligently on your salvation.” Buddha’s final words were, “All compounded things are ephemeral; work diligently on your salvation.”

6 Bibliography Works Cited Knierim, Thomas, ed. "About Buddhism." The Big View. 21 Nov. 2007. 26 Feb. 2008. Spielvogel, Jackson J. World History. Columbus, Ohio: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2005. 216-218. Williams, Kevin. "Buddhist Afterlife Beliefs." 14 Mar. 2006. 26 Feb. 2008. Zukeran, Pat. "Buddhism." Leadership U. 14 July 2002. Leadership University. 26 Feb. 2008.

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