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1C Grammar Feb28 th, 2012. 0228 5 min Quiz Please write five sentences about the game we played last Friday. If you were not at the game, please write.

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Presentation on theme: "1C Grammar Feb28 th, 2012. 0228 5 min Quiz Please write five sentences about the game we played last Friday. If you were not at the game, please write."— Presentation transcript:

1 1C Grammar Feb28 th, 2012

2 0228 5 min Quiz Please write five sentences about the game we played last Friday. If you were not at the game, please write five sentences about your weekend.

3 Agenda: (Things we will do)  Check homework  Irregular verb review + Quiz  Negative Form of Simple Past  Asking Questions in Simple Past

4 Check Homework  P. 226 ex 2  Read P.228  P. 229 ex 5  P. 230 ex 6 (even numbers)

5 Review Practice  P. 237 Ex 12 + 13  Review activity:  The class is divided into two groups.  One person from each group will sit in the chairs with their hands in the back.  The teacher will say a verb. If you know the past tense of the word (pronunciation + spelling), you must grab the ball as fast as you can.  If you have the ball and gave the correct answer, a point will be added to your group.  If you have the ball, you must tell the answer. If the answer is wrong, a point will be taken away.  The winning team will have +5% on the irregular verb spelling quiz. No cheating!!!!!

6 Irregular Verb Spelling Quiz  Please write down the verb you hear.  Then, you have 5 minutes to complete the past tense spelling of the verbs.5 minutes  Each spelling mistake is -1%.

7 Negative Form of Simple Past  Use didn’t + base form for all verbs.  I didn’t go to school.  She didn’t answer me.  We didn’t build a castle.  Aziz and Jarrah didn’t come to class last Friday.  P. 240 Ex 15 (write)  P. 241 Ex 16 (talk through)

8 Asking Questions in Simple Past  Yes / No and Wh-  A: Did she go to the movies this weekend?  B: No, she didn’t.  A: Where did she go?  B: She went to the mall.  A: Who did she go with?  B: She went to the mall with her sister.  A: Did she buy anything?  B: Yes, she bought a dress.  A: How much was the dress?  B: It was two hundred dollars.  A: Why was it so expensive?  B: Because it was made in Italy.  P. 244 Ex 20, 21, &22

9 Review  P. 250 Ex 27  P. 248 Ex 23 1. Go over the statements. Check all that are true. 2. For those statements, write down the Wh- questions and answers on a piece of paper.

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