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2014 CHRISTMAS MESSAGE: THE GRACE OF GOD HAS APPEARED I. INTRO  Read Titus 2:11.  We are confronted with what we as believers must meditate upon in order.

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1 2014 CHRISTMAS MESSAGE: THE GRACE OF GOD HAS APPEARED I. INTRO  Read Titus 2:11.  We are confronted with what we as believers must meditate upon in order to avoid celebrating this season in the way that most who are yet unbelievers do. ~ Only true believers in Jesus Christ have the real right to celebrate this season.

2 ~ In keeping with this, it would do us well to once more refocus our hearts’ eyes upon the Lord and gaze at the beauty of who He is. ~ To do this, His one attribute that stands out in this season is His grace.  Read Ex 34:5-7.  God’s glory is seen, in part, by His grace.

3 ~ THE GRACE OF GOD NEVER OVERLOOKS SIN; IT PUNISHES SIN, WHILE AT THE SAME TIME FORGIVING THOSE WHO ARE GUILTY.  We will try to summarize some of the essential elements of God’s grace by looking at three stories in the Bible which describe the grace of God.

4 II. JACOB AND THE GRACE OF GOD  Even before his birth, Jacob was a man who struggled with others. ~ Read Gen 25:21-26, then vv. 27-34.  The final blow to the relationship between Jacob and Esau: Gen 27. ~ Gen 25:23 ~ Rebekah and Jacob were wrong in the way they obtained Isaac’s blessing.

5  As a result of his deception, Esau was furious with Jacob. ~ Jacob sent away: Gen 27:41-28:5 ~ Jacob’s vision: Gen 28:10-17 ~ After his dramatic vision, Jacob made a covenant with God, one which shows him still striving and failing to rest in God’s grace: Gen 28:20-22.  Jacob based his commitment to God on God’s performance in meeting his need, as he defines them.

6 ~ The order is just the opposite of what God requires of us. ~ Cf. Matt 6:33 ~ Look at how Jacob’s offer contrasts with these words from our Lord: Matt 6:25.  Even Satan would agree with Jacob’s “deal” with God: Job 1:9-11.  Not until after Jacob leaves Laban’s house and the land of Paddan-aram does he finally come to grips with grace.

7 ~ A wrestling match with an angel of the LORD seems to be a significant turning point for Jacob: Gen 32:22-32. ~ From this account alone, it would be possible to reach the wrong conclusion.  But that is not the way it was. ~ We know from the story that this “angel” was really God (v. 30).

8 ~ When the time came, the angel struck a crippling blow to Jacob (v. 25). ~ Jacob is now in no position to bargain with God at all.  Hosea interprets this story centuries later speaking to the nation Israel, whom Jacob personified: Hos 12:1-6. ~ Wayward Israel is being rebuked by the prophet Israel.

9  But there is a way back, a way to enter into God’s blessings, into His grace. ~ That way is by humbly imploring God for grace. ~ This is what Hosea tells the nation Israel that Jacob had to do. ~ When the angel struck the crippling blow to Jacob, all he could do was weep and beg for mercy (for God’s favor).

10 ~ Jacob finally learned how God’s blessings are granted to men – not by grabbing, but by grace. ~ Jacob quickly forgot this lesson, but at least once Jacob sought God’s blessing by grace.  Jacob is a picture of those who believe they can earn the grace and favor of God by some form of performance of works.

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