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The kitchen cupboard had a shock. When it saw a muddy ball.

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4 The kitchen cupboard had a shock.

5 When it saw a muddy ball.

6 The kitchen cupboard had a shock. When it saw a muddy ball. That was standing right beside the sink.

7 The kitchen cupboard had a shock. When it saw a muddy ball. That was standing right beside the sink. Get out of here! Go away! the cupboard began to call.




11 The muddy ball said, I like it here!

12 The muddy ball said, I like it here! It is warm and clean and bright.

13 The muddy ball said, I like it here! It is warm and clean and bright. I usually sleep in a dirty shed.

14 The muddy ball said, I like it here! It is warm and clean and bright. I usually sleep in a dirty shed. I think I will stay here for the night.





19 The cups, plates and glasses all said,

20 You cannot stay here! To the ball,

21 The cups, plates and glasses all said, You cannot stay here! To the ball, A kitchen is no place for a muddy football.

22 The cups, plates and glasses all said, You cannot stay here! To the ball, A kitchen is no place for a muddy football. You will spread germs and cause illness we fear.





27 When I stay in the shed, said the ball.

28 When I stay in the shed, said the ball. I dont spread germs around there.

29 When I stay in the shed, said the ball. I dont spread germs around there. People who come in dont become ill.

30 When I stay in the shed, said the ball. I dont spread germs around there. People who come in dont become ill. I think you are all being unfair.





35 People do not prepare food in the shed,

36 But they do in here, said the sink.

37 People do not prepare food in the shed, But they do in here, said the sink. Your mud will end up on the food.

38 People do not prepare food in the shed, But they do in here, said the sink. Your mud will end up on the food. And then people will eat it! So think!





43 I can now see, said the breadboard.

44 I can now see, said the breadboard. Some mud on the bread and on me.

45 I can now see, said the breadboard. Some mud on the bread and on me. And on the mud there are tiny germs,

46 I can now see, said the breadboard. Some mud on the bread and on me. And on the mud there are tiny germs, That are much too small for people to see.





51 Oh, dear! I did not know about

52 The trouble I could cause, the ball said.

53 Oh, dear! I did not know about The trouble I could cause, the ball said. If I stay here, I could make people ill.

54 Oh, dear! I did not know about The trouble I could cause, the ball said. If I stay here, I could make people ill. I think Ill go back to the shed.




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