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Pastors, Deacons, and Congregations Deacons: Tasks and qualifications.

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Presentation on theme: "Pastors, Deacons, and Congregations Deacons: Tasks and qualifications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pastors, Deacons, and Congregations Deacons: Tasks and qualifications

2 What do deacons do? Acts 6.2-3 is the only explicit task set forth. Yet, good deacons have “good standing” before God. I Timothy 3.13 So, ministering to the physical needs of others is important, spiritual work. I Peter 4.11 And Acts 6.2-3 is most likely indicative of the kinds of things deacons do; not an exhaustive list of what they do Deacons serve God by participating in leadership. I Timothy 3.8 (Likewise....) – This is part of the reason we don’t rotate them

3 What do they do at WHBC? 1.They function as legal officers of the corporation A.So they sign checks and legal documents 2.They function as “problem solvers” within the congregation A.People go to them with problems and concerns 3.They function as leadership co-workers to the pastor A.There is very little that goes on here that the deacons aren’t privy to

4 What are their Biblical qualifications? 1.Grave. I Timothy 3.8 A.3.8, 3.11; Titus 2.2, Philippians 4.8 (honest) B.Worthy of respect 2.Not double-tongued. I Timothy 3.8 A.Saying one thing to one person, and something else to another—with the intent to deceive 3.Not given to much wine. I Timothy 3.8 A.Self controlled 4.Not greedy of filthy lucre. I Timothy 3.8 A.Not “eager for money at any cost”

5 5.Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. I Timothy 3.9 A.A sincere professor and practitioner of Christianity 6.Established as solid Christians before becoming deacons, after they have been found “without handle.” I Timothy 3.10 7.“One women men,” I Timothy 3.12 8.Who superintend their houses and children well. I Timothy 3.13

6 Their wives must be qualified 1.Grave. I Timothy 3.11 A.Worthy of respect 2.Not slanderers. I Timothy 3.11 A.“diabolos:” Playing the part of the devil 3.Sober. I Timothy 3.11 A.Self controlled; restrained; abstaining from excess 4.Faithful in all things. I Timothy 3.11

7 How are they chosen? 1.Acts 6.3—they are selected from the congregation, by the congregation A.The words “look ye out” indicates “inspection” B.Acts 6.5 the church chose: selected, picked out 2.Acts 6.3—they were appointed by the apostles

8 What does this translate into, practically? 1.People whose practice of Christianity is such that you can look at it with respect 2.People whose private lives don’t create problems in the Church’s public life. (I recommend that deacons have, or have already raised, teenagers) 3.People who won’t fall apart because of what they know: to be a deacon is to see the Church through different eyes 4.People who won’t get puffed up because they have an “office” 5.People who are willing to stand for Bible and principle

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