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Deacons Under appreciated by many. A blessing to the church. –Function. –Fabric.

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2 Deacons Under appreciated by many. A blessing to the church. –Function. –Fabric.

3 Deacons Office. Purpose. Qualifications.

4 Deacons Qualifications. Wives. Selection & Appointment.

5 Deacons Desire. –“To stretch one’s self out in order to…grasp something…” (Thayer). –“To reach…longing after it” (Vine). –Not coerced. Qualifications

6 Deacons Reverent. –“August, venerable…” (Thayer). –“…serious, grave” (Vine). –Dependable, trustworthy. Qualifications

7 Deacons Not double-tongued. –“double in speech…” (Thayer). –“Saying a thing to one person and giving a different view of it to another” (Vine). –Consistent, accurate. Qualifications

8 Deacons Not given to much wine. –Control Senses. Desires. Qualifications

9 Deacons Not greedy for money. –“eager for base gain” (Thayer). –“…denotes greedy of base gains” (Vine). –Not covetous, materialistic, cf. Jn. 12:6 Qualifications

10 Deacons Holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience. –Knows the truth. –Follows the truth. –Stands for the truth, cf. Rom. 14:23; 1 Tim. 4:2; 1 Pet. 3:15-16 Qualifications

11 Deacons First tested, then appointed. –“…examine…scrutinize” (Thayer). –“…prove with the expectation of approving” (Vine). –Reputation precedes responsibility. Qualifications

12 Deacons Husbands of one wife. –Scripturally married, cf. Rom. 7:1-3; Matt. 19:9 –Experience with care and service. Qualifications

13 Deacons Ruling their children & houses well. –Good father, Prov. 22:6; 19:18 –Experience in “demanding” service. Qualifications

14 Deacons Full of the Holy Spirit & wisdom Acts 6:3 –Full of gospel, Eph. 5:18; Col. 3:16 –Applies knowledge practically. Qualifications

15 Deacons Reverent. –“August, venerable…” (Thayer). –“…serious, grave” (Vine). –Serious minded, not silly, 1 Pet. 3:1-4 Wives

16 Deacons Not slanderers. –“prone to slander…” (Thayer). –“Accusing falsely” (Vine). –Control tongue. Wives

17 Deacons Temperate. –“sober, temperate…” (Thayer). –“…free from the influence of intoxicants” (Vine). –Clear-headed, right thinking, exercising self-control. Wives

18 Deacons Faithful in all things. –God, Heb. 10:24-25; 1 Thes. 5:17 –Husband, Titus 2:4-5 –Children, Titus 2:4-5 Wives

19 Deacons By members of the church, Acts 6:3 –Work with them. –Know them. –Respect them. Selection & Appointment

20 Deacons Judgment must be used. –Number. –When. –How. Selection & Appointment

21 Deacons Appointed by those who oversee, Acts 6:6 –With prayer. –“Lay on hands,” cf. Acts 13:2-3; 1 Tim. 5:22 Selection & Appointment

22 Deacons Qualifications. Wives. Selection & Appointment.

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