1 “Second Timothy” “Know That Perilous Times…” 2 Timothy 3:1-9 Workbook by Reg Ginn Pages 27-33 “Know That Perilous Times…” 2 Timothy 3:1-9 Workbook by.

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1 1 “Second Timothy” “Know That Perilous Times…” 2 Timothy 3:1-9 Workbook by Reg Ginn Pages 27-33 “Know That Perilous Times…” 2 Timothy 3:1-9 Workbook by Reg Ginn Pages 27-33 Lesson 6

2 2 “Know That Perilous Times…” 2 Timothy 3:1-9 “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come…”  Paul wanted Timothy to know certain details of the future apostasy mentioned in 1Tim.4:1-3  “Perilous times” describes the grave danger into which they [last days] would place local churches everywhere  “Last days” – Under the gospel dispensation; last period of time before the judgment  We are in the “last days” (Heb.1:2) Page 27

3 3 “Know That Perilous Times…” 2 Timothy 3:1-9 “The mystery of lawlessness is already at work…” (2Thess.2:7)   Men, such as, Hymenaeus, Alexander, Phygellus, Hermogenes, and Philetus had already been named as men who exhibited these dangerous qualities   These same undesirable characteristics had led the Gentiles into such evil conduct (Rom.1:18-32)   Timothy should warn the Ephesians about these character traits   They would contribute heavily to strife and unrest among the disciples Page 27

4 4 “Know That Perilous Times…” 2 Timothy 3:1-9 “…And from such people turn away!” (v.5)  “Lovers of themselves” – Selfish; seeking one’s own interest; doing what they want to do  “Lovers of money” – Covetous; greedy; one who is less dependent on God  “Boasters” – One’s praise of himself; inordinate self- esteem; self-centered; one who does not need help from God  “Proud” – Arrogant; high-minded; boastful; “pride goes before destruction..” (Prov.16:18) Page 28

5 5 “Know That Perilous Times…” 2 Timothy 3:1-9 And from such people turn away! (v.5)  “Blasphemers” – To speak evil; to injure by words; to blame unjustly; speech defamatory [injuriously] of God or Christ or the Holy Spirit  “Disobedient to parents” – Not showing honor, respect, subjection to parents; showing neglect for parents; clearly shows disrespect for all other authority  “Unthankful” – Ungrateful to our fellows or to God; thanklessness; failing to recognize the source of our blessings  “Unholy” – Profane; making no effort to place value on holy things; those who fail of their duty toward God Page 29

6 6 “Know That Perilous Times…” 2 Timothy 3:1-9 And from such people turn away! (v.5)  “Unloving” – Without natural affection; having little or no love for parents, brethren, and/or God and His commands  “Unforgiving” – Trucebreakers (KJV); unwillingness to keep an agreement; one who does not keep his word  “Slanderers” – Accusing falsely; seeking to destroy the personal reputation and influence of any­one; spreading falsehoods about others  “Without self-control” – Powerless, without strength, to control their speech or actions; one who cannot resist their passions Page 30

7 7 “Know That Perilous Times…” 2 Timothy 3:1-9 And from such people turn away! (v.5)  “Brutal” – Fierce; ungentle; harsh; cruel; savage  “Despisers of good” – One who does not love good people or good things; the mark of a depraved [wicked] spirit  “Traitors” – A betrayer; one who violates his allegiance to his brethren or to God  “Headstrong” – Rash; reckless; falling forward; taking actions without any sensible reason Page 30

8 8 “Know That Perilous Times…” 2 Timothy 3:1-9 And from such people turn away! (v.5)  “Haughty” – To make proud; puffed up with pride; render insolent [overbearing, domineering in power]; conceited  “Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God” – People who live for sensual [carnal] pleasures but not God  “Having a form [image, outline] of godliness but denying its power” – Outwardly these people seem religious [retain many of the apostolic “forms”]; treating authorized practices as meaningless rituals Page 30

9 9 “Know That Perilous Times…” 2 Timothy 3:1-9 “…But denying its power” (v.5)  This means to deny the purpose [authority] that undergirds all religious practices  We do most things as a result of custom A thing is done because we have always done it that way, or our fathers did it that way Then, we have forgotten the reason for our religious practices  Custom is not bad, if the reason for it is right, but to forget the reasons make the practice useless Page 30

10 10 “Know That Perilous Times…” 2 Timothy 3:1-9 “For of this sort are those who…” (v.6)  “Crept” [slyly; insidiously] into households They veiled their real objectives They heaped upon them flattering words and effusive compliments  Made captives of gullible [“silly”] women These were more likely to be deceived These were more likely to be deceived  Loaded [“burdened”] down with sins They appealed to the vulnerability of their prospects Page 27

11 11 “Know That Perilous Times…” 2 Timothy 3:1-9 “For of this sort are those who…” (v.6)  Led away by various lusts With various kinds of passions or desires Sins of pride and vanity  Always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (v.7) They had given themselves over to a variety of popular religious movements or exotic spiritual theories They had never come to learn and obey the simple truth of the gospel of Christ Page 27

12 12 “Know That Perilous Times…” 2 Timothy 3:1-9 “Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth (v.8)  Men of corrupt minds  Disapproved concerning the faith They were two Egyptian magicians who opposed Moses (Exo.7:9-13)(According to Jewish historians) Page 33

13 13 “Know That Perilous Times…” 2 Timothy 3:1-9 “But they will progress no further…,” (v.9)  For their folly [no mind; senseless] will be manifest [exposed, open, clearly visible] to all  As theirs also was Just as Jannes and Jambres folly was exposed, Just as Jannes and Jambres folly was exposed, the imposters denounced by Paul would be exposed as frauds and will suffer severely for their deceptions   The false teachers would learn that God is in control   Truth will always defeat error; light will banish darkness Page 33

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