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Subsidiary Motions Motions that are used to handle the Main Motion.

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Presentation on theme: "Subsidiary Motions Motions that are used to handle the Main Motion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subsidiary Motions Motions that are used to handle the Main Motion

2 Processing Motions

3 Main Motion  Purpose: To introduce new business before the assembly  Only one main motion can be presented at a time.  Using the 8 step process handle this motion: “I move to hold a steak dinner for all Greenhands.”

4 Subsidiary Motions  8. Lay on the Table  7. Previous Questions  6. Limit or Extend limits of Debate  5. Postpone to a certain time  4. Refer to Committee  3. Amend  2. Postpone Indefinitely

5 2. Postpone Indefinitely  Purpose - To kill a main motion  Second Required  Not Amendable  Debatable – Can go into merits of Main Motion  Majority Vote required  Can not interrupt speaker  Only affirmative vote can be reconsidered  Example: Mr President, “I move to Postpone this motion indefinitely.”  Can only be applied to Main Motion

6 3. Amendments  Purpose - Used to modify a motion Amendment to main motion is referred to as “Primary Amendment”  Must be germane – (closely related to the original topic)  Requires a second  Amendable (Secondary Amendment)  Debatable (When applied to Debatable motion)  Majority Vote (Always, even when applied to a motion requiring a 2/3 vote)

7 More Amendments  Can be amended in 4 ways Inserting in middle Adding to end Striking Out Striking out and inserting

8 Amendments continued  Can not interrupt another speaker  Can be reconsidered  Improper amendments any thing not germane frivolous or absurd (dilatory) leave an incoherent wording to the main motion  Proper Example: Motion on floor: That the FFA Chapter buy a boat. Amendment: Mr. President, I move to amend the motion by inserting speed in front of boat. So the motion would read, I move that the FFA Chapter buy a speed boat.

9 Amendment to an Amendment  Purpose - To modify an amendment to make it more specific Also called a “secondary amendment”  Requires a second  Debatable  Not amendable  Majority vote “Always”  Proper Example: Madam President, “ I move to amend the amendment by inserting Johnson in front of speed. So the final motion with if all amendments pass would read, I move that the FFA chapter buy a Johnson speed boat.”

10 4. Refer to Committee  Purpose used to send a pending question to a small group so that the question may be carefully investigated  Cannot interrupt speaker  Requires a Second  Amendable  Debatable  Majority Vote

11 4. Refer to Committee Continued  President must specify when the committee should report back to the chapter Usually next regular meeting  Committee can be give “full power to act” (the right to make decisions for the assembly.)  Proper example: Mr. President, “I move that we refer this motion to the standing Leadership Committee.” Mr. President, “I move we refer this motion to a committee of three appointed by the chair, Joe being assigned as the chairman to report back at our next meeting.”

12 Some Rules of Committee  3 types of committees Committee of the Whole (Assembly follows rules of committee) Standing Committee (one listed in the Program of Act.) Special Committee – (Also Called “Ad Hoc” committee) Appointed by the president Number of members can be 3 or more  The committee may choose its own chair if it desires if the assembly does not appoint one.

13 Some Rules of Committee  The motion to refer should designate. 1. Who is on committee. 2. Matter referred to the committee. 3. Instructions from the assembly.

14 5. Postpone Definitely  Purpose - allow for the motion on the floor to deferred to a different day, meeting, or until after a certain event, or later in the same meeting  Requires a second  Amendable  Debatable  Majority Vote  Cannot interrupt a speaker

15 More Postpone to a Certain Time  Must include time, place when making the motion  Cannot be postponed beyond the next meeting.  Proper example: Madam President, “I move to postpone this motion until the December Regular Meeting.”  If a motion is postponed to next meeting the motion is on the agenda under “general orders”

16 6. Limit or Extend Debate  Purpose To limit or lengthen the time allowed for discussion on a motion when it is clear that there will be an excessive amount of discussion or when the amount of time for the meeting is limited.  Requires a second  NON Debatable  Amendable - amount of time or number of speakers only  2/3 Majority Vote  Can not interrupt another speaker

17 6. Limit / Extend Debate Continued  Maker of the motion must specify the amount of time or the number of speakers that can debate the motion  Proper Example Madam President, “I move that we limit debate on this motion to 3 discussions for the motion and 3 discussions against the motion.” Madam President, “I move to limit debate to a maximum of 5 minutes.”

18 7. Previous Question  Purpose -To end debate and call for an immediate vote on the motion  Requires a second  Not amendable  Not Debatable  2/3 Vote  Can not interrupt another speaker

19 Previous Question  Proper example: Madam President, “I move the previous question” Mr. President, “I call for the previous question”  Improper method calling out “question”

20 8. To lay on the table  Purpose - To set aside a motion for more urgent business  Requires a second  Not amendable  Not debatable  Majority Vote  Can not interrupt another speaker

21  Proper example: Mr. President, “I move to lay this motion on the table so we can consider the motion to…”  One item of business must be transacted before it can be taken from the table.  If the motion laid on the table is not taken from the table by the end of the next meeting, it dies.

22 I move that we conduct a chapter science fair and submit our winner in the state competition  Amend  Postpone definitely  Question of Privilege  Parliamentary Inquiry  Suspend the rules

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