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The Why and the Who….  Hittites  Aryans  Minoans  Phoenicians.

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Presentation on theme: "The Why and the Who….  Hittites  Aryans  Minoans  Phoenicians."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Why and the Who…

2  Hittites  Aryans  Minoans  Phoenicians

3  Environmental Problems  Economic Reasons  Technological Developments  Political and Religious Persecution

4  Cultural Diffusion  Population Shifts  Language Diffusion  Religious Diffusion

5  Time Period: 1650-1190 B.C.  Main Activity: Warriors  Location: Came from the steppes of Asia to Anatolia (modern day Turkey)  Political: Kings ruled; city-states emerged which would eventually form an empire.  Accomplishments: Treaty with Egypt and they rewrote Hammurabi’s Code to make it more forgiving.  Lasting Contributions: Iron weapons and chariots  Reason(s) for Decline: They were suddenly attacked from the north. The invaders burned their capital.


7  Time Period: 1500-1000B.C.  Main Activity: Pastoral People  Location: Moved into the Indus River Valley  Political: Minor kings struggled for power. There major kingdom was Magadha  Lasting Contributions: Caste system, election of tribal leaders, Vedas (sacred literature that shows Aryan life), and Mahabharata (epic poem).  Reason(s) for Decline: Internal violence?


9  Time Period: 2000 B.C.-1200B.C.  Main Activity: Merchants and sailors  Location: Crete. There capital was Knossos  Political: King Minos was their most famous leader  Accomplishments: Trade, painted pottery, language, women in high ranks  Lasting Contributions: Legend of the Minotaur  Reason(s) for Decline: Unclear – earthquake???



12  Time Period: 1100 B.C.-842 B.C.  Main Activity: Sailors and traders  Location: The area that is now Lebanon around the Mediterranean Sea.  Political: Never united (remained city-states), major cities included: Sidon, Tyre, and Byblos.  Accomplishments: First to venture beyond the Strait of Gibraltar.  Lasting Contributions: Alphabet  Reason(s) for Decline: Eastern cities were captured by the Assyrians. Later they came under the control of Babylon and Persia.


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