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Presentation on theme: "ADJECTIVE AGREEMENT WHICH WORD IS BEING MODIFIED?."— Presentation transcript:


2 MEMORIZE THIS TRUTH!  An adjective must agree with the noun it modifies in case, number, and gender.

3 EXAMPLES OF ADJECTIVE AGREEMENT Salvius servum aegrum retinēre noluit. Salvius servos aegros retinēre noluit. Salvius ancillam aegram retinēre noluit. Salvius ancillas aegras retinēre noluit.  Note that the endings on the adjective change just as the endings on the nouns change.

4 30 FORMS – YES, REALLY, 30 FORMS  Let’s look at an example – fessus, fessa, fessum – tired  Note the –us, -a, -um endings which indicate masc, fem, neuter.  This is a 1 st /2 nd Declension Adjective.  This adjective is declined like 1 st and 2 nd declension nouns. MasculineFeminineNeuter SingularPluralSingularPluralSingularPlural Nom fessusfessifessafessaefessumfessa Gen fessifessorumfessaefessarumfessifessorum Dat fessofessisfessaefessisfessofessis Acc fessumfessosfessamfessasfessumfessa Abl fessofessisfessāfessisfessofessis

5 LET’S LOOK CLOSELY AT THOSE ENDINGS  Masculine endings are like 2 nd declension masculine nouns.  Feminine endings are like 1 st declension nouns.  Neuter endings are like 2 nd declension neuter nouns. MasculineFeminineNeuter SingularPluralSingularPluralSingularPlural Nom fessusfessifessafessaefessumfessa Gen fessifessorumfessaefessarumfessifessorum Dat fessofessisfessaefessisfessofessis Acc fessumfessosfessamfessasfessumfessa Abl fessofessisfessāfessisfessofessis

6 OTHER 1 ST /2 ND DECLENSION ADJECTIVES  bonus, bona, bonum – good  laetus, laeta, laetum – happy  ignavus, ignava, ignavum – lazy  magnus, magna, magnum – big  callidus, callida, callidum – clever  But also adjectives like:  aeger, aegra, aegrum – sick  sacer, sacra, sacrum – sacred  ceteri, ceterae, cetera – the rest (note: plural only)  Any adjective with a vocabulary listing of  -us/r, -a, -um (or the plurals -i, -ae, -a)

7 3 RD DECLENSION ADJECTIVES  Let’s look at another example - gravis, gravis, grave – heavy  Note the –is, -is, -e endings which indicate masc, fem, neut.  This is a 3 rd Declension Adjective.  This adjective is declined like 3 rd declension nouns. MasculineFeminineNeuter SingularPluralSingularPluralSingularPlural Nom gravisgravesgravisgravesgravegravia Gen gravisgraviumgravisgraviumgravisgravium Dat gravigravibusgravigravibusgravigravibus Acc gravemgravesgravemgravesgravegravia Abl gravigravibusgravigravibusgravigravibus

8 LET’S LOOK CLOSELY AT THOSE ENDINGS  Endings look like 3 rd declension nouns … BUT …  Note the exceptions:  Ablative singular is –i instead of –e.  Genitive plural is –ium.  Neuter plural nominative and accusative is –ia instead of –a. MasculineFeminineNeuter SingularPluralSingularPluralSingularPlural Nom gravisgravesgravisgravesgravegravia Gen gravisgraviumgravisgraviumgravisgravium Dat gravigravibusgravigravibusgravigravibus Acc gravemgravesgravemgravesgravegravia Abl gravigravibusgravigravibusgravigravibus

9 MASCULINE AND FEMININE ARE IDENTICAL So we can reduce this chart. *3 rd declension only MasculineFeminineNeuter SingularPluralSingularPluralSingularPlural Nom gravisgravesgravisgravesgravegravia Gen gravisgraviumgravisgraviumgravisgravium Dat gravigravibusgravigravibusgravigravibus Acc gravemgravesgravemgravesgravegravia Abl gravigravibusgravigravibusgravigravibus Masculine/FeminineNeuter SingularPluralSingularPlural Nom gravisgravesgravegravia Gen gravisgraviumgravisgravium Dat gravigravibusgravigravibus Acc gravemgravesgravegravia Abl gravigravibusgravigravibus

10 OTHER 3RD DECLENSION ADJECTIVES  difficilis, difficilis, difficile – hard  fortis, fortis, forte - brave, strong  fidelis, fidelis, fidele – loyal  nobilis, nobilis, nobile – noble  mirabilis, mirabilis, mirabile - strange  But also adjectives like:  ferox, ferox, ferox (ferocis) – fierce  melior, melior, melius (melioris) – better  neglegens, neglegens, neglegens (neglegentis) - careless

11 Give the correct form of the adjective to modify the underlined noun. 1.servus _______________ non laborare vult. The tired slave does not want to work. 2.ancilla _______________ non laborare vult. The tired slave-girl does not want to work. 3.gemini amphoram _______________ portare non potest. The twins can not carry the heavy winejar. 4.servi amphoras _______________ portare possunt. The slaves can carry the heavy winejars. 5.amphora est _______________. The winejar is heavy. 6.amphorae sunt _______________. The winejars are heavy. fessus = tired gravis = heavy


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