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Fallen Women Kristen Kinamon, Ashley Wynn, Juan Amador, Peggy Perry.

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Presentation on theme: "Fallen Women Kristen Kinamon, Ashley Wynn, Juan Amador, Peggy Perry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fallen Women Kristen Kinamon, Ashley Wynn, Juan Amador, Peggy Perry

2 Definition-Fallen Woman A woman who disgraces herself by sacrificing her sexual purity before or outside of marriage

3 Definition A woman who leaves behind her moral convictions and gives into rage, jealousy, and revenge

4 Summary-Sexual Definition Female slaves are forced to become fallen women by their slave masters because they are considered property.

5 Example For example, slaves are not allowed to marry so the master would not become an adulterer. “But when I reflected that I was slave, and that the laws gave no sanction to the marriage of such, my heart sank within” (Jacobs, 37)

6 Example Double Standard- male masters are allowed to have sex with whoever without consequence, yet the slave women and the wives suffer because of men’s sexual appetite.

7 Quotation “A master may treat you as rudely as he pleases, and you dare not speak; moreover, the wrong does not seem so great with an unmarried man, as with one who has a wife to be made unhappy” (Jacobs, 55)

8 Explanation This quote explains the purpose and intertwines the sexualities of the slave women and the mistresses. Shows that slavery is a bondage to both slaves and masters because no matter what both parties are affected.

9 Summary Mistress sees slave woman as archetype seductress and sexual predator that will cause her husband to be unfaithful. Unfaithful husband brings up jealousy in the mistress which leads to harsher treatment of slaves.

10 Morally fallen women Sexual fallen woman cause the mistresses to become moral fallen women.

11 Example Mrs. Flint is an example of a harsh mistress. She becomes very jealous of Linda and treats her badly. “She felt that her marriage vows were desecrated, her dignity insulted; but she had no compassion for the poor victim of her husband’s perfidy” (Jacobs, 33)

12 Explanation By raping the slaves and taking their purity, the master also rapes the wife of her happiness and dignity. The mistress/female slave relationship is always filled with hatred, rage, suspicion, and vengeance.

13 Relationship Because of his infidelity the mistress takes this attitude toward the slaves: “Your servant is not destitute of feminine and virtuous qualities; but she was taught that the best use of her charms consists of selling them” (Brown, 230)

14 Punishment The mistress would always be suspicious of the slave women because of her husband. If she suspected some infidelity she would have that slave’s children sold at an auction block.

15 WHY? Jacobs understands that by using fallen women she can appeal to her middle class female audience exposing the horrors of slavery and sexual abuse that would not be tolerated.


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