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Problem Solving English to Algebra. Almost all “direct translation” story problems can be written as an algebraic equation exactly as they are written.

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Presentation on theme: "Problem Solving English to Algebra. Almost all “direct translation” story problems can be written as an algebraic equation exactly as they are written."— Presentation transcript:

1 Problem Solving English to Algebra

2 Almost all “direct translation” story problems can be written as an algebraic equation exactly as they are written in English. The one important exception to this is the word “than” Than reverses the order from the English.

3 Than reverses the order Than reverses the order from the English. 3 more than x => x + 3 3 is first in English and last in algebra 5 less than y => y – 5 5 is first in English and last in algebra

4 Than reverses the order Take the English sentence: Mary is 3 years younger than John. M = J – 3 The comparison on the right has to start with John, because if you don’t know his age you’ll never know Mary’s. John comes last in English but must come first in algebra.

5 Vocabulary These words are used frequently in story problems: is means = of means times sum means add difference means subtract product means multiply quotient means divide

6 Tricky! The product of 5 and the sum of x and 6. The product of 5 and => 5( ) What comes after the “and” goes in the ( ) the sum of x and 6 => x + 6 Answer: 5( x + 6 )

7 Tricky! The sum of 5 and the product of x and 6. The sum of 5 and => 5 + ( ) What comes after the “and” goes in the ( ) the product of x and 6 => 6x Answer: 5 + 6x

8 English to Algebra Know your vocabulary Write it in the same order Except – than changes order Do a lot of these for practice Most people can solve the algebra Setting it up is the key!

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