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Presentation on theme: "WELLNESS AND MANAGING STRESS The Healthy Alternatives."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is stress?  The physical or mental strain that occurs when your body reacts to pressure.  Stress can come from negative situations and have negative results as in: The Office….but stress is NOT ALWAYS negative.The Office  Stress can also result from positive events in the form of excitement, challenges, ect. As in : A CelebrationA Celebration

3 Stress Reactions Stress can make you physically ill. Or, stress can supply heightened readiness to do well on tasks.

4 Stress in this classroom…  What caused the biggest stress for you when you transitioned from high school to college, or from your previous situation to SMCC?  How have you coped with it?  How do your friends, new and old, help you reduce stress?

5 What is stressing you the most right now? How are you coping with it?  Write your response to this question (anonymously) on an index card and hand in.

6 Avoid, Handle, Reduce Stress  FOOD AND EATING HABITS  Balance (vary your diet)  Moderation (eat reasonable amounts)  Evaluate your eating habits; compare your consumption with, where you can get a customized food guide.  Snack Smart—avoid high-fat, high-sugar food, try yogurt, frozen fruit juice bar.  Identify emotional triggers, if you eat to relieve stress, try substituting a positive activity.

7 Avoid, Handle, Reduce Stress  EXERCISE  It increases energy and helps you cope with stress  Cardiovascular: strengthens lung capacity  Strength training: strengthens muscle capacity  Flexibility training: increase muscle flexibility MAKE IT A PRIORITY  Walk the “long” way to classes, use the stairs  Use school fitness facilities  Play on a team in college or in community  Take up a class; salsa dancing, aerobics, yoga

8 Avoid, Handle, Reduce Stress  SLEEP  College students are often sleep deprived (5-7 hrs)  8-9 hrs. per night required to function well  Improve sleep habits: reduce alcohol and caffeine, exercise regularly, take naps, be consistent, complete tasks and hour before sleep, establish comfortable sleeping environment.

9 Avoid, Handle, Reduce Stress  STAY SAFE  Be aware of safety issues (areas, functions, ect)  Avoid situations that present danger  Avoid drugs or overuse of alcohol  Avoid people who make you uneasy  Be cautious about giving out personal information

10 Avoid, Handle, Reduce Stress  RECOGNIZE MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS  Depression; body, mood and thoughts  Eating Disorders; anorexia, bulimia, binge eating ALCOHOL, DRUGS AND TOBACCO For information on risks see pgs. 324-328 in text

11 Relieve your stress…  You could opt to take the approach of: This GuyThis Guy OR You could take the healthy route and: Eat right, exercise, listen to music, don’t procrastinate and maybe you’ll feel like this…

12 After the semester…. …and you WILL survive-pat yourself on the back, take a deep breath and… Laugh, laugh, laugh!

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