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WYD MADRID2011 Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith.

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Presentation on theme: "WYD MADRID2011 Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith."— Presentation transcript:

1 WYD MADRID2011 Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith.


3 HISTORY OF THE WYD 1 st and 2 nd in Rome (1984 y 1985)→ Just one day. 1987 (Buenos Aires)→ A three day meeting. Consecutive meetings in Santiago(89), Czestochowa(91), Denver(93), Manila(95), Paris(97), Rome(00), Toronto(03), Köln(05), Sydney(08). They gather around two million pilgrims during those days.

4 HISTORY OF THE WYD On 1984, Pope John Paul II gave a Cross to the young people of the world, with these words: "Take it around the world as sign of the love of the Lord Jesus". Since 1987 the Cross has gone on a pilgrimage around the world visiting the countries that host the WYD. On 2003 the Pope also gave them a copy of the icon of Mary, Salus Populi Romani, and since then the Cross and Icon journey together.


6 THE DIOCESE OF MADRID The election of Madrid as the next venue of the WYD was announced on 2008. Since then, the diocese of Madrid has established a local organizing committee in contact with the Pontifical Council for the Laity.

7 THE DIOCESE OF MADRID Pontifical Council for the Laity Local Organizing Committee Different sections

8 THE DIOCESE OF MADRID President: Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko (Poland) Secretary: Mons. Josef Clemens (Germany) Sub-secretary: Prof. Guzmán Carriquiry (Uruguay) Director of Youth Section: P. Eric Jacquinet (France) Pontifical Council for the Laity Office: Palazzo San Calisto en Trastevere, piazza San Calisto, 16 – 00153 Roma tel (+ 39) 06 698 87 396 fax: (+39) 06 698 87 214 E-mail:

9 THE DIOCESE OF MADRID Local Organizing Committee President: Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, archbishop of Madrid General Coordinator: Mons. Cesar A. Franco Martínez, auxiliary bishop of Madrid Auxiliary bishops of MadridGeneral SecretaryDirector of LogisticsOrganizer of the Main actsHead of Pastoral PreparationResponsible for the Cultural Program Delegate of the Spanish Episcopal Conference and responsible for the activities in the Diocese Director of FinanceDirector of Communications

10 THE DIOCESE OF MADRID The main events that has taken place since the last WYD (Sydney 2008) are: – Election of Madrid (Sydney 2008). – Handling of the Cross and the Icon to the people of Madrid (Rome, Palm Sunday 2009). – Feast of the Triumph of the Cross, beginning of the pilgrimage (Madrid, 14th September 2009). – Pilgrimage of the Cross and the Icon througout Madrid (2010) and Spain (2011).

11 THE DIOCESE OF MADRID Election of Madrid (Sydney 2008) Handling of the Cross (Rome, 2009) Triumph of the Cross (Madrid, 2009) Pilgrimage of the Cross and Icon

12 MADRID 2011 -Main events -Registrations -Web site -Volunteers -The SJ in the WYD MADRID 2011 -Main events -Registrations -Web site -Volunteers -The SJ in the WYD

13 MADRID 2011 Main events prepared for the WYD: 161718192021 09:00 Arrival at Madrid Catechesis WYD Mass of Sending 16:00 Papal Welcome Preparatory ceremony 17:30 WYD Opening Mass Youth Festival 21:00 Youth Festival Via Crucis Vigil with the Pope

14 MADRID 2011 REGISTRATIONS (PRICES): A1A2A3A4B1B2 Entire week all inclusive Entire week no housing Entire week no meals Entire week no housing no meals Weekend all inclusive Weekend no housing no meals Group A210,00 €192,00 €151,00 €133,00 €90,00 €45,00 € Group B163,00 €150,00 €117,78 €103,74 €70,00 €40,00 € Group C122,00 €111,00 €87,00 €77,00 €52,00 €30,00 €

15 MADRID 2011 Price estimation: WYDMAGISTOTAL GROUP A210 €185 €395 € GROUP B163 €127 €290 € GROUP C122 €63 €185 €

16 MADRID 2011 REGISTRATION (DATES) – WYD: Registration will begin on July 1st 2010. All the registrations before March 31 st will have a 5% discount. – Magis: Registrations will begin on January 1 st 2011.

17 MADRID 2011 REGISTRATIONS: – The registration for the WYD+MAGIS will be done as a single registration through the Mag+s office. – Each Magis link will send us the information+fees of their participants and we will register the whole Magis group (3000 people), as one single group.

18 MADRID 2011 VOLUNTEERS MAG+S: – There will be a big group of Mag+s volunteers in charge of taking care of our pilgrims during the WYD. – The main tasks will be: Information office Magis points Services SJ activities in the WYD

19 MADRID 2011 Information point: – Located in the Nuestra Señora del Recuerdo college. – Daily tasks: Inform about Madrid: metro stations, city maps, lunch points… Inform about WYD: main events of every day, how to get there, … General information: lost and found, internet point, infirmary,…

20 MADRID 2011 Magis points: – Different points in the city where the pilgrims can go during the day to rest, ask for information, have the magis circle or simple pray a little bit.

21 MADRID 2011

22 The SJ during the WYD: – The SJ will take an active part during the WYD, that’s why from the very beginning the Mag+s delegate has contacted the WYD office and he will be in charge of the Jesuit program during the WYD. – The WYD office asked the jesuits to be the responsible for the “Religious Life Office” during the WYD preparation, so Fr Fernando Gálligo SJ is in charge of it.

23 MADRID 2011 The SJ has offered to Madrid’s diocese: – Place for hosting pilgrims: Colegio Padre Piquer (500 pilgrims) Colegio San Ignacio, Alcalá de Henares (1500 pilgrims) -Program of activities: UNIJES (Jesuits universities) International Cooperation (Entreculturas, Alboan) Vocations Migrations -Temples for hosting catechesis: San Francisco de Borja’s parish San Francisco Javier’s parish Comillas’ Chapel



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