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Artificial Intelligence Techniques Artificial Stupidity?

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Presentation on theme: "Artificial Intelligence Techniques Artificial Stupidity?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Artificial Intelligence Techniques Artificial Stupidity?

2 Aims of session AI in Games

3 Is it a special case? The goal of an AI programmer for a game is to create both entertaining a challenging opponents delivered on time (Rabin, 2005)

4 Five Implications (Rabin 2005) AI must be have no unintended weaknesses: The AI must not Be defeated the same way every-time. Fail miserably Look dumb

5 Five Implications (Rabin 2005) AI must be perform within the constraints of memory and CPU If a game is real-time then so most the AI

6 Five Implications (Rabin 2005) AI must be configurable by designer or sometimes players. Able to adjust the difficult of the game level and adjust the AI For some games, because they can be customised by players.

7 Five Implications (Rabin 2005) AI must be intelligent, yet purposely flawed. Present a challenge to the player, keeping the game entertaining, but opponents must sometimes lose to the player in a fun way.

8 Five Implications (Rabin 2005) AI must not stop the game being shipped AI techniques used should not put game at risk. Risky, new ideas must be proved early in the development cycle.

9 Game Agents Non-player characters (npcs) Opponent Neutral SENSE-THINK-ACT cycle

10 Sense Information about the current state of the world. We need something for our npc to act upon. What types of sense do you think can be considered?

11 Think 1 Has the sensory information need to evaluate it and then make decision based on it. Finite-State machines – most popular. Search methods – good for planning A* star

12 Think 2 Machine learning Genetic Algorithms Neural networks Flip-flopping Sometimes a system can get stuck within a limited number of states if over-evaluated.

13 FSM Based on example in Rabin 2005

14 Search – A* Pathfinding Finds the ‘cheapest’ path through an environment. /astar/AStar.html /astar/AStar.html

15 Example of A*

16 Flocking behaviour Examples taken from: als/HyperGraph/animation/art_life/video/3c als/HyperGraph/animation/art_life/video/3c



19 Reference Rabin (2005) Introduction to Game Development Charles River Media ISBN 1-58450-377-7 als/HyperGraph/animation/art_life/video/3c als/HyperGraph/animation/art_life/video/3c

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