Smarter TravelStyle - Swindon A tool for profiling an area in terms of the population’s receptiveness to travel behaviour change projects 1 Swindon Smarter.

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1 Smarter TravelStyle - Swindon A tool for profiling an area in terms of the population’s receptiveness to travel behaviour change projects 1 Swindon Smarter Travelstyle

2 Smarter TravelStyle - Swindon Using Smarter TravelStyle to identify target locations Ι What is Smarter TravelStyle? ■ A geo-demographic profiling and targeting system ■ Developed in-house by Steer Davies Gleave ■ Based on the fusion of a commercial geo-demographic system (MOSAIC) and travel behaviour data including from Darlington and New Malden ■ Segments the population according to a combination of travel behaviour and lifestyle variables ■ Based at an individual postcode level, allowing a fine geographical segmentation of the population Ι What does this mean for Swindon? ■ The following slides introduce Smarter TravelStyle, show where the different demographic segments reside across Swindon and highlight areas with a greater propensity for Travel behaviour change

3 Smarter TravelStyle - Swindon Smarter TravelStyle groups Affluent Professionals Highest participation Car users ABC1Employed High income Married Young Minded Younger Single or co-habiting Students Have car Motorised Lifestyles ABC1C2 25-44 years old 2+ cars Short time at address Urban Challenge Lowest participation Single Divorced 18-29 years old Poor health No carDE Social grade Independent Elders Small household MarriedWidowed 60+ years old 1 carPoor health State Support All age groups No car DE Social grade Poor health Family Focus C1C2D Large households Married with children Middle aged Traditional Values Small household 1 car Married C2D Social grade Rural ABC1C2 Married 45+ years old 2+ cars

4 Smarter TravelStyle - Swindon 4 Index of Participation in Smarter Travel Initiatives This chart shows how likely people in each group are likely to participate compared to the average for all households involved. Average participation

5 Smarter TravelStyle - Swindon 5 Index of Cycle Resource take-up This chart shows how likely people in each group are likely to request cycling resources, such as cycle maps, maintenance sessions (such as Dr. Bike) and cycle training Average 43%

6 Smarter TravelStyle - Swindon Swindon Borough - Smarter TravelStyle profile Smarter TravelStyle group Number of households (%) Affluent Professionals5,400 (6%) Family Focus7,700 (9%) Independent Elders4,000 (5%) Motorised Lifestyle9,400 (11%) Rural800 (1%) State Support9,700 (11%) Traditional Values18,800 (22%) Urban Challenge3,400 (4%) Young Minded24,900 (30%) Total84,100

7 Smarter TravelStyle - Swindon Swindon Urban Area - Smarter TravelStyle profile

8 Smarter TravelStyle - Swindon West Swindon – Smarter TravelStyle profile Smarter TravelStyle group Number of households (%) Affluent Professionals1,150 (10%) Family Focus240 (2%) Independent Elders40 (0%) Motorised Lifestyle2,380 (22%) Rural0 (0%) State Support950 (9%) Traditional Values1,250 (11%) Urban Challenge500 (5%) Young Minded4,430 (41%) Total10,900

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