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Nature Journal Every Student must have a composition notebook (if you do not have one, come and see me IMMEDIATELY after class)

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Presentation on theme: "Nature Journal Every Student must have a composition notebook (if you do not have one, come and see me IMMEDIATELY after class)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nature Journal Every Student must have a composition notebook (if you do not have one, come and see me IMMEDIATELY after class)

2 Nature Journal – What is Nature Journaling? "Simply put, nature journaling is the regular recording of observations, perceptions, and feelings about the natural world around you. That is the essence of the process" (p5). Nature can be recorded in written prose or poetry, drawing, paintings, photographs, tape recordings and even through music. Many people use a variety of these techniques scattered through out their journal.

3 Nature Journal Why nature journal? – Nature journal allows students to go out into nature (Ex. Parks, a neighborhood field, creek, the zoo or anyplace where life can be observed, even your backyard) and observe life and write about it.

4 Nature Journal What is a nature journal for? Who cares? – Most people do not even realize what is in their own backyard until they stop, look and listen. – Without knowing what life is in your own neighborhoods and area, you do not even know what could be lost or what needs to be protected. – Understanding the relationships and connections in Biology makes people more informed about their environment.

5 Nature Journal How often do you journal? It is Flexible. – It can be done at the same time each week, recording lists of birds seen in that hour. – It can be done to keep moon-phases and weather charts; It can be a place to write poetry about nature. – It can be used to draw what you see when you come across it. – It is a personal book of the world of nature around you, reflections, observations, things you want to remember, study and reflect upon.

6 Nature Journal What are you looking for??? – LIFE and it’s interactions When you to a park, what do you observe (see) – What animals do you see? » Squirrels? » Birds? – What plants and trees do you see? – What invertebrates do you see? – Do you see moss, algae or mushrooms? What are the interactions of these organisms and their abiotic environment (water, wind, earth)? – What are there organisms doing? » Gathering food or materials for a nest » Playing » Hiding from a predator

7 Nature Journal How to set up a nature journal… First thing: – Record the weather conditions Time of day Date Atmospheric conditions – Ex. Cloudy, overcast, sunny, rainy, windy, sleeting, snowing etc. Temperature GPS coordinates (optional, not required) – Use Google Earth or Cell Phone GPS Record your observations with drawings, pictures, and a reflection of your thoughts about what you observing. How does the environment make you feel etc. – DO NOT WRITE THINGS LIKE – this is stupid because…

8 Nature Journal An Example D:\Biology\Nature Journal

9 Nature Journal Nature Journal Rubric Nature Journal (50 points) each time collected for a total of 200 points Keep a Nature Journal throughout the semester. You might regularly observe an individual study plot or a variety of personally interesting natural objects throughout the semester. In addition, make entries on any outside adventures (including mix-and-match assignments). Your entries should include both an illustration and personal notes, thoughts. Feature36-50 Points21-35 Points5-20 Points Illustrations, Notes, Thoughts  regular recording (weekly) of observations, perceptions, and feelings about the natural world  recorded in written prose, poetry, drawing, paintings, and/or photographs  creatively presented  somewhat regular recording of observations, perceptions, and feelings about the natural world  recorded in written prose, poetry, drawing, paintings, and/or photographs  somewhat creatively presented  limited recording of observations, perceptions, and feelings about the natural world  recorded in written prose, poetry, drawing, paintings, and/or photographs  some evidence of creativity Mechanics  completes all expectations  well organized, detailed  includes descriptive, reflective responses  completes most expectations  fairly well organized, detailed  includes some descriptive, reflective responses  completes some expectations  somewhat organized, detailed  includes limited reflective responses Total Points ________

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