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Legal Rights, Responsibilities, and Duties Review Show Let’s get ready to ANSWER!!!!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Legal Rights, Responsibilities, and Duties Review Show Let’s get ready to ANSWER!!!!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Legal Rights, Responsibilities, and Duties Review Show Let’s get ready to ANSWER!!!!!!

2 Please select a Team. 1.Team 1 2.Team 2 3.Team 3 4.Team 4 5.Team 5

3 The Fifth Amendment states that people may not be required to 0 of 5 1.Incriminate themselves 2.Face a jury 3.Obey a law 4.Permit a search 10

4 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

5 What are the legal decisions that become part of Common Law? 0 of 5 1.Statutes 2.Precedents 3.Edicts 4.Legalisms 10

6 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

7 A person accused of a crime must _______. 0 of 5 1.Prove his innocence 2.Hire an attorney 3.Go to jail 4.Be given the chance to defend himself 10

8 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

9 It is the responsibility of the executive branch to_______. 0 of 5 1.Make laws 2.Make sure laws are carried out 3.Decide how to apply laws 4.Hold the most power 10

10 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

11 The Fifth amendment provides that no person can be held for a serious crime unless the evidence is presented to_______. 0 of 5 1.A grand jury 2.A district attorney 3.A court of appeals 4.A justice of the peace 10

12 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

13 One of the earliest written codes of law is_______. 0 of 5 1.The Constitution of the United States 2.The English Constitution 3.The Code of Hammurabi 4.The Napoleonic Code 10

14 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

15 Which Amendment gives you the right to remain silent? 0 5 1.4 th Amendment 2.5 th Amendment 3.6 th Amendment 4.7 th Amendment Countdown 10

16 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

17 A duty is something that… 0 5 1.You do if you want 2.You have to do 3.Is not important 4.Is the same as a responsibility Countdown 10

18 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

19 The decision of guilt or innocence at the end of the trial is called the….. 0 5 1.sentence 2.arraignment 3.verdict 4.discovery Countdown 10

20 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

21 The punishment the judge decides on is the….. 0 5 1.sentence 2.arraignment 3.verdict 4.discovery Countdown 10

22 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

23 When both sides in a legal case get to find out what the other side has is called….. 0 5 1.sentence 2.arraignment 3.verdict 4.discovery Countdown 10

24 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

25 When an accused person is brought before the court to answer for charges against them it is called….. 0 5 1.sentence 2.arraignment 3.verdict 4.discovery Countdown 10

26 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

27 In a civil case you do not have the right to…. 0 5 1.An attorney 2.Have witnesses 3.To know the complaint against you 4.Remain silent Countdown 10

28 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

29 Which of the following is an example of a civil case? 0 5 1.A speeding ticket 2.Divorce 3.A felony 4.A misdemeanor Countdown 10

30 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

31 Bail allows you to ….. 0 5 1.Put straw in a neat rectangle 2.Get out of jail when found guilty 3.Be free until your trial 4.Pay for suing someone Countdown 10

32 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

33 Which of the below does not belong to Civil Law? 0 5 1.misdemeanor 2.jury 3.judge 4.witnesses Countdown 10

34 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

35 Which of the following does not belong to both Civil and Criminal Law? 0 5 1.A court room 2.A Jury 3.A Defendant 4.Guilt or Innocence Countdown 10

36 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

37 Which of these is found in Criminal Law but not Civil? 0 5 1.A jury 2.A Prosecutor 3.Witnesses 4.A Defendant Countdown 10

38 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

39 Which Amendment gives you the right to remain silent? 0 5 1.4 th Amendment 2.5 th Amendment 3.6 th Amendment 4.7 th Amendment Countdown 10

40 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

41 Double Jeopardy is part of …. 0 5 1.Criminal Law 2.Civil Law 3.Both Countdown 10

42 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

43 Trial being settled by a judge or jury is part of …. 0 5 1.Criminal Law 2.Civil Law 3.Both Countdown 10

44 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

45 Beyond a reasonable doubt is part of …. 0 5 1.Criminal Law 2.Civil Law 3.Both Countdown 10

46 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

47 Suing someone is part of …. 0 5 1.Criminal Law 2.Civil Law 3.Both Countdown 10

48 Team Scores 0Team 1 0Team 2 0Team 3 0Team 4 0Team 5

49 Participant Scores 0Participant 1 0Participant 2 0Participant 3 0Participant 4 0Participant 5

50 Team MVP PointsTeamParticipant 0TeamParticipant 0TeamParticipant 0TeamParticipant 0TeamParticipant 0TeamParticipant 0TeamParticipant 0TeamParticipant 0TeamParticipant 0TeamParticipant 0TeamParticipant

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